Tuesday, September 7, 2010


needless to say...i won't be posting until after Spark...you can keep updated by my tweets & fb messages.....but, to all of you coming....we'll be Sparking in 3 days!!! So here are some answers to questions I've been getting:
1. Where to download a free 30 day trial of Photoshop? HERE. I'll be teaching my class in Photoshop CS4. But, you can use whatever you have on your laptop.

2. Do I need my laptop? No, you can just sit back & watch as I show you step by step how to use the exclusive Spark digital kit from House of 3.  *skills you'll learn which can be interpreted to ANY other digital kit!**

Note: IF you do bring your laptop, be sure it's all juiced up & can last 1 hour...because we won't have a TON of outlets!

3. I don't have the Spark Digital Kit yet! Please email Megaslett@gmail.com  to get the link. And, as a side note: my friend Nancy, let me know that there's a typo in there! argghhh! leave it to me...so, be watching for ANOTHER link to come in your email from Megan!

4. What should I wear?  Margie added our local weather forecast on the site today. Check it out! It will be perfect weather! A bit chilly at night, but it will have that little 'Autumn Nip' in the air! Love it!

to everyone else...we will miss you greatly! You can still come! a very few spots left, but we do have room! until then...enjoy your week!
ahhhhh! soo excited I can hardly breathe!


  1. i have so much to do before spark! i can only imagine what you have on your plate. breathe. and see you soon!!!

  2. My girlfriends and I are BESIDE OURSELVES! Heading out to SLC from KC on Thursday morning...see you Friday!

  3. this has nothing to do with spark, however i do wish i was going! Are you going to be doing the 21day challenge this year? i loved it last year! and will be looking forward to it this year if you do it again!

    Megan P

  4. Rhonna, can you please please organise an online spark !!!!!!!!! We international girls would so love to be part of this awesome event.

  5. Completely with Steph Devlin...such a pity you're on the other side of the world! Though I do want to wish you and everyone else a sparkling weekend!

  6. Hey Rhonna! Ever thought about offering just a Saturday ONLY ticket to thoseof us working {spark} momma that can't come Friday? I'd LOVE LOVE LOVE TO come and would jump for jou if you'd be willing to sell one of the open spots for Saturday! Just a thought :) xoxo

