Wednesday, September 15, 2010

spark no. 2 Vol. 3...Emily, Jaz & Sabrina

Spark no. 2 wouldn't have been the same w/o our international teacher, Emily. OR her wonderful friends Jaz (who is also from Australia) or Sabrina (aka. Bina) from France. Bina won the prize for coming the farthest to Spark...all the way from France! I adore each of them. One of my favorite things about Spark is how each of us is *sparked* by one another....& the Sparks that came to the event are what *made* it....along with the teachers...opening up & allowing each other to *spark* our creativity!

These fabulous photos are from the gorgeous, talented Jasmine....She's electric...amazing & so genuine...she just oozes creativity & it was so fun to see her gracefully create.  I mean...just look at that cool photo of her in a bottle! **we had the 'seating' arrangements on the 2nd day all set up like this.  Each *spark* was to go & search until they found themselves.  Then, they looked around at the other *sparks* around them & got to know them...i loved seeing each of them talking, laughing & *sparking* during lunch & dinner.

One of the core classes was by THE Wendy Whitacre (BlueLilyPhoto). Look at this incredible photo Jaz took in the class! I saw it & I think my jaw you see what I mean? Jaz was *sparked* by Wendy who *sparked* so many of the women to stretch & enlighten their creativity..I loved it!
 In my mini class, I taught some basic skills about using digital art to create.  They each got a Spark digital kit & then I challenged them to create something for 5 min. each day using their new-found skills. I about fell off my chair when I saw this image from Jaz....really? How cool is she, right? WOW!

I loved seeing a world cup champion in our midst....did you Sparks even know that Sabrina Jonnier is a famous & talented downhill cyclist?  She rocks...check out her cool blog & the banner photo....I LOVE YOU, BINA!  I love that she is so humble & cool! It was fun to see her creating & getting *sparked*...afterwards, she told me she really needed Spark. Didn't we all? *wink* 

Each person that attended really did  *spark* one another & again...a heartfelt thank you to everyone much went into it & I hope that we all got so much out of it!

p.s. please send me images of what *you* created with the Spark Digital kit...I'm so excited!

House of 3 is having a spoooooky webshow tonight. LIVE from Heidi's studio..I'll be joining her to get you in gear for my FAVE upcoming holiday! *wink* see you then!


  1. Oh Rhonna, your 'Rhonna Designs' button is making me drool so bad right now!! GORGEOUS! And thank you for the lurvly pimpage. Love your guts. LOVED spark. Still sparked! Off to do some creating now!!

  2. Great post! I got to speak to Jasmine some and I loved her!! She is soooo Beautiful and talented! The lamp she did in Margie's class is Adorable as is her digital art!! Loved meeting everyone there! Hugs

  3. First, I saw the teaser pieces for tonight and they took my breath away. I too love Halloween and cannot wait to see what images you have come up with for us. Second, I am thrilled to hear about Spark and hope I too will be able to join some year. What fun and I could use the creative kick in the pants. I live amongst the noncreative here in my little part of the world.

  4. Very beautiful photos. It is possible to use them on the blog?

  5. Rhonna - Just want to tell you thank you for your very inspirational talk at the *Spark* soiree on Saturday night. After hearing your story, I wrote what inspired me on my doily. I went home and made a sign to hang in my scrap room to remind me everyday. You can find it here:

  6. Well it's not something made with your fabulous digital art, but this is something that was SPARKED in my imagination on the weekend...
    The weekend was fantastic can't wait for next year :)
