Monday, September 20, 2010

things that make me happy....

Today I'm feeling very grateful that I'm a started out kind of a bit smoother as the day went on...& finally ended with  a *bang* Ka*pow* right in the *kisser* kind of a day! 

We drove up to Sundance tonight....the autumn colors were so gorgeous.  ...the top off the jeep... everyone laughing & talking...wind in our hair!   I really do believe that family time every week is so important. I love Monday nights!

**eta: I am working on a storyboard for each of my kids....but, got too tired to post anything else...more to come!


  1. beautiful tali.
    LOVE the story board. you rock it.

  2. Great post, makes me wish I was there with you and your family. :)

  3. Love it! Really enjoyed getting to know Talia at Spark! She is a beautiful gem!! hugs!!
