Thursday, September 23, 2010

webshow, harvest moon & a commitment

Last night's webshow was so much fun. I adore Margie, Spark & bringing them all together is super inspiring & just plain FUN! We got to share the NEW  Spark kits at House of 3 & even shared some fun ideas/techniques on making the fabulous and oh so
colorful pop bottle flowers that we had all over Spark...easy. fun. & COOL! STEPS: 1. cut bottles into flowers. 2. spray paint bottles 3. wire flowers together. 4. hang & have fun!  Show us what YOU do with those cool flowers, k?

It was also the Fall Equinox, which many of you talked about on the Live chat...& this morning I woke up to the full moon over the was gorgeous. I got my tripod & took this photo...I didn't even photoshop this! was just so cool to see....a great start to this day! the end of our webshow, we talked a bit about a new 21 Challenge..I said it out loud. I may start another one on Oct. 1st....who wants to join me? Holla!


  1. i'm so excited to watch it.
    glad you had fun. i love the pic of the MOON over the lake! alex just saw it and said, that's the sun, not the moon.

  2. Love the picture of the moon! Also cant thank you ladies enough for you words of encouragement and inspiration, just what i needed to hear!!

  3. I would love to participate in a 21 day challange! I think that is just what I need in my life right now!!

  4. Love your picture! I was up early this morning at 5 am and also shared in the beauty of our moon. I think it's amazing that no matter where we all live we can look up and share the same beauty right out our backyards. It was beautiful. I should of taken a picture also.

  5. Had fun last night, thanks for letting me help out! I'm ready for this years 21 Day Challenge! Love your photo!!

  6. I'm in for the 21 day challenge ~ I could definately use a boost to get my creative mojo going.
    Cheers ;-)

  7. 2 things rhonna:
    *i'm gonna get a refreshing beverage
    *i'm gonna juxtapose YOU

    love the spark webshow!!! i love SPARK!!!
    you rocked it.
    sharing is caring.

  8. I would love another 21 Challenge run!

    It would be awesome if all of the challenges and images could be in a download that would could purchase and print out in a book form.

  9. Hey girl... It was so fun watching you guys on the webshow last night, brought it all back. I have been on such a creative high the last few weeks. Spent that first week in Utah just creatively playing with Cass. Remembered how much fun it is to just PLAY with no end project in mind. Made witches and all things Halloweenie! FUN!

    Loved Spark and meeting all those amazing there anyway maybe you could do a blog roll or list of the spark girls on the spark website. I've been jumping around the comments section on some blogs trying to find girls that attended Spark.

    Thanks again...spark is such a beautiful gift!

  10. me me me I would love another 21 Day Challenge!!

  11. LOVED the web show last night! It was my first time joining live and you girls are a hoot! So glad to see Margie on there. LOVE Margie! Count me in on the 21 Challenge!

  12. YEAH..You bet I want to join you! I already wanted to ask if you had any plans for a 21 Challenge this year, but with you being so busy with all the Creative inspiration you already give us, it didn't feel appropriate to ask you to take a 21 Challenge on your (little) shoulders too..
    let the first of October come..soon-really looking forward to it!

  13. Count me in!!! I am feeling so inspired now and I want to keep that as a habit!!! Never done this before so I am a little nervous but excited!!!!

  14. Count me in for the 21 day challenge! Haven't done one since I took that class at CE years ago!!!

  15. Last night's show was amazing. Oh, how I know I would love Spark. And I know I would LOVE to do a new 21 challenge with you. Count me in!

  16. I've never heard of the 21 challenge before, but as a girl born on the 21st, it sounds like something I'd like to try.

  17. i'm soooo ready for another 21 challenge.........pick me!!!!!

  18. I would love to participate in a 21 day challenge!this is perfect for me

  19. I say let's do it...I've got several things I could choose to work on but one will be sufficient, I think. I've got it on the calendar! Thanks, Rhonna!

  20. would LOVE a new challenge!!!!!!

  21. I am SO IN for the 21 this year. I was all bummed that I missed it last time. :)

  22. I love your 21 challenge.....I usually do it as a diet but this year we are moving and I have to challenge myself to do some this is it I will commit to one hour each day to go through drawers, closets etc. can't wait!!!!!

  23. I'm in for the 21 day challenge, can't wait.

  24. Hi Rhonna,
    I have to big habits I must break so this is an answer to prayer. I want to be in,
    Hugz to you and tell hubby Happy BDay!

  25. ME, ME, ME! I want to join! Hope you're feeling better! xo
