Wednesday, September 8, 2010

getting spark*ed!

Just giddy that SHE is going to be speaking & performing at Spark tomorrow lucky are WE?
love you, Mindy! you're my hero! Your lyrics inspire me so much! I want to wear butterfly wings all over now...sprinkling little butterfly kisses wherever I go! *sigh* I love her video!


  1. It is so nice to see a video of the music I sing ALL day long!! I downloaded the album from itunes and have bought 2 of the CDs to give to friends - LOVE her music!

  2. love eet! see you tonight!!!nn

  3. Oh my. She's is quite the winged musical genius! Can't wait to hear her in person. Her video is absolutely the bee's knees.

  4. Thanks so much for sharing!! How awesome!! LOL!! Have a GREAT time at Spark and can't wait to hear about things when you get home!!
    Larissa Heskett

  5. so wish I was there. one day Im hoping fingers crossed.
