Monday, September 13, 2010

Spark no. 2 Vol. 1

So many things I will report....but, for now..still recovering!  
(all fab photos from Sande)

It was magical.

It was colorful.

It was surreal.

It was dreamy.

It was creative.

It was.....a*mazing.

a HUGE thanks to all of our Spark Teachers, Creative Partners, volunteers, family & friends who helped....mmm*wah!
more to come....


  1. Love them! It's going to be months before I'm off my "Spark" buzz :)

  2. Love them! It's going to be months before I'm off my "Spark" buzz :)

  3. Such a fun weekend...Thanks to all you Spark gals that made it such a wonderful event!

  4. Staying in Utah this week...with a crafty friend still in spark mode playing and creating. Spark is such a great moment to remember the joy of creating and exploring. Loved it. It was so great this year to meet soooo many wonderful creative women. I left last year regretting that I hadn't met enough of these crazy talented women, do thank you ladies for humoring when I asked you your name & where you were from....I got pretty good and met quite a few of you. The power in knowing someones name helps bring down those walls and connect us all together as SPARK sisters...thanks Rhonna for such an inspiring girls did a magical job!!!! Hoping we can keep the connection going through our blogs til next year #3!!!

  5. Rhonna you are aaaamazing!! I wish I were in Utah and could have attended. Are you planning another one next year. Maybe I will travel in from Vegas and join you?

    Kisses from the WhipperChicks

  6. Nancy...i'm with ya, sister! loved it all!

    Cristin..agree. thanks to ALL of the Spark gals...every single Spark made it a bon fire! love it! make me smile. love you! loved that you & Sandi came back & LOVE that you were so friendly & got to know everyone. you are a Spark!

    Jaz...YOU rock! love you!

    Heather, I can't even express how amazing it turned wish you were there! hugs!
