Friday, September 3, 2010

many of you have asked for a re-cap of Creative Escape!

(all photos by Maridette Chachola)

I'm so bad..I didn't even take my camera. I was so wrapped up in trying to remember everything I was supposed to bring that I just plain. ol'. forgot!

Thanks to Dette who took so many FAB pix!  

Number one: It  was soo fun to finally meet her at Creative Escape!!!! I felt like I've *known* her for so long...& we finally got to meet IRL!

Number two: She's just darling, gracious, talented, amazing & I was WOWed at her book!
Number three: I don't know if I should even share, but she was a great event photographer during our House of 3 Webshow...she captured the excitement of the LIVE show and...even some dancing!

Number four: she rocked at the photos of our House of 3 crop room *display*. Heidi, Janet & I all brought a bunch of our hybrid projects & Dette shows them so well in her photography!
Thanks again, love! You rocked it! And....check out more of her images at Heidi's blog...she really captured Heidi's mirror so artistically! WTG, girl!

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