Friday, January 21, 2011

I'm REstoring!

I am loving, LOVING the Soul Restoration on-line workshop. If I wasn't so busy, I'd be doing this every minute of the day.
It gets my creative juices all fired up.  so, I've had to do a little 'creative' shuffling here...instead of doing my normal Creativity Exercises everyday, I am incorporating my Soul Restoration class into my's perfect. It's giving me just the creativity I need getting ready for CHA & all!

It makes me happy to hear Mel give us our *assignments*. I look forward to them. I've got my cover finished...used my fave Tattered Angels Garden journal for's has a picket fence on it & the doors open in a cool way...perfect for my Soul House. *wink*

And, I've used the Tattered Angels Travel Journal for my art it will help me know the way to my destination! I am having so much fun using the Glimmer Mists, Chalkboard Mist, & the Glimmer Glam is basically a colored, glittery Mod Podge, so you KNOW I'm using it to alter my books! LOVE it!

She's got something's an amazing curriculum & she & Kathy have put their hearts & souls into it!
it works.
I'm seriously a*mazed at this.
I was an art teacher.
I KNOW the power of art. I KNOW the power it can bring for healing, learning & discovering.
But, the way Mel does this..well, those of you that are in the workshop KNOW what I mean!
Those of you that haven't taken it...please, please, do all you can to make it happen next time she offers it. It really is a*mazing.
I'm feeling so thankful. so happy. & so creative!
Thanks to all my Brave Girl sisters! & Mel & are a*mazing! Thank you!

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