Wednesday, January 19, 2011

web show re-cap

It feels like Thursday today since we were off on our normal Wednesday Web Show & had it last night...Tuesday. Did I confuse you? Yea , I've been confused all week with Monday being a National Holiday, too! Oy!

Lots of fun sneaks, peeks, secrets, & of course, some major glimmer misting was going on!
We welcomed our special Guest: Wendy Senger of Tattered Angels. We announced  Color Connections! And we explained a little about it. We are so excited to share this new collaboration between 4 companies that come together to bring products that are formulated to work together & take the guess work out of color combinations! Pink Paislee, House of 3, Prima Marketing, Inc. & of course: Tattered Angels.

We talked about & showed the new Color Systems that Tattered Angels has created for each of our company's physical products: custom clam packs of Glimmer Mist, Glam & Glaze; that have been formulated to match perfectly with our 2 NEW lines coming out next week at CHA.

(Soiree & Daily Junque)
And, the NEW lines from Prima (we showed some sneeks of the amazing canvas flowers, etc. *swoon*) It's so exciting to see how all 4 companies can come together, work together & take the guess work out of color combining; hence the name: Color Connections. holla!
We also showed how cool the Glimmer Mists, Glam & Glaze works on bare wood. 

And, Heidi misted the bird houses that I'm glamming up for CHA. The NEW Chalkboard Glimmer Mists are sooo saturated, deep & bright! I'm giddy with it! 

I showed a little *forshadowing* of a new product we'll be putting out with Pink Paislee, too! And showed how to colorize them with these new colors: FELT FLOWERS!

such bright gorgeous colors...seriously. every white/cream flower can be any color you want! love it!
but, check out the shot Wendy took of my hands after the show! LOL!
Yea...I went home & found that a sugar/sea salt/natural oil scrub did the trick. My hands were fine afterwards...& felt so good after that scrub!
*whew* soo....doing a lot of creating to get ready for CHA next week! so excited!

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