Sunday, January 23, 2011

She aRt Workshop giveaway!

Don't you just LOVE these girls? I'm Lady ga-ga over these cutie patooties....  Christy Tomlinson is the amazingly talented artist & owner of The Scarlet Lime & Scarlet Lime Bead Art &....she is the amazing artist that creates these...and...SHE is going to teach us HOW! &
SHE's got a 3 week e-course that will...
well, how about we have HER tell us:

The She Art Workshop is a 3 week e-course the begins February 28th! In this workshop, you will learn how to create unique and detailed girls, as seen in my art projects! I will also share with you how I create my backgrounds, textures, and layering styles on canvases and other surfaces! You will walk away from this class feeling confident in creating your own personalized" She Art" projects as well as having learned  new art techniques you can use in other mixed media projects!  The She Art Workshop begins February 28th. Registration starts today and ends February 27th!

isn't that exciting?
and...SHE is giving away 1 spot in her class to one of YOU, my dear blogger friends! 
see? I told you SHE is amazing!!
so...just leave me a lil' comment on my bloggy poo here & tell me why YOU want to learn these techniques! I'm so excited to take this course & learn from Ms. Christy!

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