Thursday, January 6, 2011

fun new things...

Last night on the web show, we mentioned a bit about some NEW things that will be coming your way from House of's a hint & sneak peek. 

The entire lines will debut at the winter CHA (craft & hobby association show) at the end of the excited. We have loved working with Pink Paislee on these Can you guess which 2 lines are House of 3 lines? hmmm....:)

&....last night was so inspiring. I felt re-energized & so resolved to continue my new year about You? ** I even talked Jeff into restyling my studio after Heidi left! LOL!  Remember when we talked about how changing things around can really refresh something? Well...I took my 2 work tables & changed them up a bit..I'll share tomorrow...along with how I did my huge magnet board that I've had TONS of questions about today! *wink*

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