Monday, January 10, 2011


Yes, my one little word for this year is: restore. I have so many things I need to restore in my life right now.  It's daunting. overwhelming. & I need to be brave

So...the *perfect* thing to get me going is: to start the Brave Girls' Online course: Soul Restoration.
It starts tomorrow & I've been busy getting all of my gear ready! Melody will be taking us through a whole 6 week course where we will be using aRt to restore our souls! Love this concept! 

All of you 21ers..this is the PERFECT way to continue our journey!
If you haven't heard of it or haven't signed's the last day (until midnight)
...starting tomorrow. 1.11.11!!!
....excited to take this brave step to REstore my soul through aRt!
no holding back.
REcognizing truth.
be my best self.
REmind me of what we are capable of.
Thanks, Melody & Kathy & ALL of the Brave Girls all around the world...
let's get this party started!

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