Tuesday, February 22, 2011

6 week shape up: Week 1

After a LONG, 'un-plugged' weekend & spending time with my family....it's good to be back &  up & running!  

As promised, I'm starting a 6 week shape up program here on my blog...I've done it for a 2 reasons:
1. many of you 21ers have requested something like our 21 Challenge, but on a 'shape up' scale.
2. my personal needs! LOL.

In 6 weeks, we're headed for a sunny, warm place as a family to spend our Spring Break & I don't know about you, but I'm not quite ready to don my swim suit, so this will be a perfect kick in the pants!

So, if you're IN & wanna play, we'll work it like this:

1. sign in & be accountable for reporting in here...in the comments. Just let us know how you do.
once a week. on Tuesdays: weigh in/measurement day.

2. I'll be focusing on our weekly Tuesdays with inspiration, tips, etc...but, I'll also be sprinkling motivational quotes, work out ideas, etc. throughout the weeks, too!
We'll end on April 5. 2011! It's totally do-able! Say YES!

3. If you want to make this into a cREative project, too....I'll be offering fun little tidbits to make a 6 week shape up program journal that you can download...
just click on the images & they will come up large..simply right click, save & print out to use in your journal!

To get started..4 easy steps:

No. 1>>> get brave. take your BEFORE photo. save it. print it. post it up. do whatever you need to keep you motivated & pumped up for your 6 week transformation!

No. 2>>> take your measurements OR weigh in. OR both! I know everyone likes to keep track of their progress with one or the other. (or both) So, print this card out & add your starting weight on the card, too, if you want!

No. 3>>> Start & KEEP a food journal! This is critical in your success! It's amazing how the things you put in your mouth directly effect how your 6 week shape up will go! This can also be your cREative journal, too!

No. 4>>> Choose a workout that makes you happy. Do it at least 3 times a week. Mix it up. But, MOVE! Get busy & work out!

I'm totally excited to do this! I've been wanting to get really serious about it...so happy you're joining me! It will be a GREAT support!
eta: many of these fab graphics I used are mine mixed with the amazing Graphics Fairy! Thanks!

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