Monday, February 28, 2011

day 7: 6 week shape up...

Feelin' a little better. Got through the weekend, which makes me feel a LOT more confident that I can do this 'no sugar' thing! *whew* I have been cranky, got a cold sore (no doubt from the stress) & it's been difficult, but this quote has helped me:

"nothing tastes as good as HEALTHY feels".

*yes,  I know the original quote says skinny, but that's not my goal. Healthy is my goal.*

and, I do believe we can all do this.
So, here's a little journaling card where you can either print, use on your blog (proper credit is appreciated) or just look at for your enjoyment! *grin*
But, I challenge you to take a minute to write down your goals, feelings, whatever you need when you are feeling weak. USE THIS TO HELP BRING IT ALL BACK IN PERSPECTIVE!
& it's Monday...I say Bring It!

check in day tomorrow: I'd love to hear from everyone that's committed...comment to let me know HOW you are doing! weigh in; measurements...OK to leave personal, but remember: it;s good be accountable for our actions! That is the ONLY way we can achieve our goals!

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