Wednesday, February 23, 2011

day 2: 6 week shape up...

for all those that have accepted this's a thought for you;
expect miracles.

 What is the miracle YOU want to see?
for me, it's health.
I've been on the mend...going to a great doctor who's helping me heal. inside & out.
& these 6 weeks I need to devote to getting my health back. I know. I know...
it will most likely take longer, but for me...feeling even a bit more healthy in 6 weeks
is the miracle I want to see.
and I know I can.

What is the miracle YOU want to see?
print out this card, write it down & pin it up where you will see.
I believe in miracles. With a LOT of work & will see it!
p.s. lots of questions coming in...answers to all of them? do what YOU want to do! if it's too personal. don't post. if you only want to come by to get some inspiration. do it. if you want to tweet about it? do it! (#6weekshapeupwithRhonna OR if that doesn't fit: #6weekshapeup)
it's an open's just helping ME to share with YOU! it's a win-win sitchy!

p.p.s. don't forget the House of 3 web show tonight. Heidi will be doing some fabulous stuff!

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