Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine memories...

I remember when I was little...ok, when I was younger...we'd wake up to a *magical* Valentine's Day mom had/has a way of making things *magical* & no matter what she always made us feel special...
so, this morning, I woke up...& kept those traditions going...
*heart shaped pancakes w/ little vintage heart picks.
*strawberry creamy smoothies in goblets.
*chocolate/peanut butter hearts in pink treat bags *a must*
*a little centerpiece of vintage heart doilies & vintage pink 'happy valentine's day' picks.
& don't forget:
*pink polka dot napkins. *grin*

..Jeff surprised me with a full length mirror in our closet. (I complain every time I have to run to our bathroom to look at my daily fashion tedious. haha!) 
a HUGE heart card *homemade of course* with THE most amazingly heartfelt & sweet message. He has a way of writing....he captures words & emotions in a way that's truly gifted...& I was the recipient of these words today...they made me cry. He's my prince charming...

here's hoping you are enjoying your day with loved ones...remember, YOU are loved. YOU are amazing & the world wouldn't be the same w/o YOU! share the love!

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