Friday, February 4, 2011

ahh...the sweet life!

Valentine's Day is one of my all time fave holidays! I're surpised, right? 

décor. candy. pink. loved ones. 
it's got all of my favorite ingredients. 

Well, mix in a little 'Simply The Sweet Life Mag' & it's a su*weeet homerun!

If you haven't checked out their online magazine yet..please do it! 
It's sooo delicious! 
And, their blog
So many fun ideas, recipes, inspiration & eye candy! 
For this issue, I was a 'creative contributor' along with my creative friends; April & Margie! *spark sisters*  It's so fun to see their lovely Valentines! they are *sick*!
Run on over & look at it...but for now, I'll leave you with a few shots of my Valentine in a bottle~
super fun with some of the NEW Remarkable Valentine stuff.... read more about it here.

 Thanks, Sweet Life, for featuring this little pretty!

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