Friday, February 25, 2011

day 4-6: 6 week shape up...

I'm not gonna lie. 
I woke up this morning...VERY cranky.
head hurt. wanted sugar.
weird, huh?
to top it had snowed a TON last night...
NOT my fave when I have to drive 40 min. to the doctor's office.

I perservered.
I talked to my dr. about my *accute sugar problem* & he gave me something.
natural. & hoping it will help curb these cravings & the whole detox process.
I'll let you know how it goes.

in the mean time....we have a weekend in front of us. which can be good. and bad.
do NOT * I repeat* do NOT fall off the wagon.
I won't. if you won't. deal?
hugs & WE CAN DO THIS!
be strong.

p.s. thanks, Graphics Fairy!

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