Thursday, February 24, 2011

day 3: 6 week shape up...

sit down & have a seat...let's chat about something:  
food for thought....on day 3 of our 
6 week shape up....

We are what we ATE!
I have to say.....I have been a total sugar-aholic for the past few years.
it's caught up with me.
I was also a diet pepsi/diet dr. pepper/ diet*any*kind*of*happy*bubbles-aholic, too.
But, I DID go off of it a few months ago & am still happily *off the sauce*.

the sugar's a*killin' me!
I tell ya...I've got a sweet tooth that's a huuuuge protruding FANG crawling out of my mouth! 

so...when my dr. said, 'Rhonna, you need to get off that white poison.' I think all of Utah could hear me scream & cry! *whaaaaaaaa!*
but, he's right. 
My health has been compromised by my bad choices of eating waaaaay too much sugar!
I am what I ate.
It's my eating decisions that have made me 'sick'. It didn't just 'happen.' I didn't just 'get sick' is a direct result of how badly I ate for so long! *among many other factors that I won't go into*

So....I'm ready to be accountable for this..& reverse this!
I am on an 'elimination diet' type of plan where I will avoid all of the foods that have any kinds of toxins, or anything that makes me sick. i.e. wheat, gluten, sugar, caffeine, etc.
yea. a lot of the 'good' stuff I used to love.
it's time.
time to look at it as 'bad' stuff for me. NOT the good stuff!
it's time to get serious about healing & getting healthy again!
THIS is fun. THIS is good. THIS is what my body & soul deserve...NOT to be sick & unhealthily going day to day feeling like crap!

I've been off wheat & gluten for 3, I feel like I have that under control.
I've been off caffeine/soda for a few months & I can honestly say..I miss it, but I won't go back.
day 3 of no sugar has me sweating, shaking & feeling like a down-right addict in withdrawls from her favorite drug.

hence, no blogging today. I've had a ROUGH day!
tomorrow is another day.
day 4.
how are YOU doing?
I'm sitting down...& we are chatting. Let me know!
hugs to you all...YOU can do this!
again....these graphics I'm using are from the wonderful Graphics Fairy...sprinkled & mingled with some o' my stuff, too! AND, THANKS KAREN for the shout out today! smooches!
look at her FAB bird cage today! LOVE!

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