Tuesday, March 1, 2011

day 8: 6 week shape up...

 I can't believe how difficult this past week has been on the 6 week shape up! Going off sugar & all sugar substitutes (natural & artificial) has been devastating to me. 

I love.

Yes, it's been a struggle.  But, I'm trusting my struggle. I am hoping that by our next 'check in Tuesday' that I will be able to happily declare that I'm OK w/o sugar, or any of it's ugly stepsisters!

I've had many questions on what I eat? (like you've said: w/o sugar or gluten...what else is there? LOL)
I've been 'eating clean'. And I really focus on veggies, lean protein, eggs, greek yogurt (the only dairy I'm eating) & some fruit. 

1/2 c. greek yogurt
1 c. mixed berries.
1/2 c. raw almonds

1/2 sliced cucumber
hard boiled egg

salad w/ greens LOTS
hard boiled egg
1/4 avacado
lemon juice/olive oil dressing

1 apple

3 oz. salmon (lemon juice, cayenne pepper, olive oil)
steamed spinach
steamed asparagus

so< I DO get to eat a lot of yummies. I don't feel hungry, that's for sure. But, everything I'm putting into my mouth has high nutritional value as opposed to the empty nutrients I was eating before: diet sodas & candy...the WORST. 

How are YOU doing today? 
check in. 
Let me know how it's going. 
If you want to be brave & tell me inches lost. or pounds lost. share!!! 

as for me...I'll be brave & tell you that I lost 4 lbs & 4 inches! 
Yes, I know, most likely water weight *grin* but I am happy with that! 

All of that struggling did have a little silver lining!
sooo happy! I feel healthier already! 
...excited to watch Biggest Loser tonight..it motivates me so much!
happy Tuesday! &...tomorrow I have a fun giveaway so come on back!
Happy March!
P.s. loving the She Art Workshop...who's playing?

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