Wednesday, March 30, 2011

day 36: 6 week shape up!

be extraordinary today.

TIP No. 1>
do an *6 Week Shape Up* routine today that makes you feel extraordinary. Something so difficult that really works your body & shapes it up! 
I'm pumping iron today...I'm a sister in iron!

TIP No. 2>
Make your day extraordinary by feeding your body what it needs...extraordinary foods!
healthy. clean. delish.
**my fave protein shake recipe right now is:
1 scoop whey protein
1 banana
1 T. all natural nut butter
1/4 c. almond milk
1/2 c. crushed ice
blend in Blendtec & VOILA! an extraordinary delight!

TIP No. 3>
Choose an extraordinary deed you will do for someone else today.

no matter what.
no excuses.
no procrastinating.
no fear.
no hesitation.
just do it.

ordinary will turn into something
extra. ordinary.

if every one of us did an extraordinary deed today...wouldn't the world be a better place?
one of my favorite children's book is:
I read it to my kids over & over again when they were little. And I would tear up just as I read it. I still do. I LOVE the message in this book. Go & read will make your day. I promise!

have an extraordinary day today!

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