Tuesday, March 22, 2011

day 28: ...all good things must come to an end.

Day 28 in our 6 week shape up....
4 weeks.
wow! congrats to everyone still on the wagon! So so proud of you!
I seriously can NOT believe I've been sugar free for 4 weeks. 1 month. 28 days. *gasp* THAT is worth everything to me! Feelin' so happy about that! Check in Tuesday: I'm down 2 lbs. & 3 more inches... how are YOU?

One of my mantras I love is: 
Follow your heart...& you will never go wrong.
When I knew I needed to start this 6 week program, I was scared. I knew I was a sugar addict. I knew my health was on the line...& I knew I had to do it. Everything inside of me was saying NO! You can do it later!
But, I decided to follow my heart...& I'm glad I did. It's been amazing.
see? I can never go wrong! I'm actually DOING it!

I want to thank everyone for joining me on this journey. Your stories have been incredible! You are all amazing & are such great examples of following your heart. I hope YOU don't feel like you've gone wrong! Even if you've fallen off the wagon, or it hasn't gone as well as you'd planned...you are DOING IT! 

Be kind to yourself. Be happy that you're better than you were yesterday. or last week. or 4 weeks ago!

Following your heart is a tricky thing. I have had a lot of people ask me, 
'How do you follow your heart?' 
My answer: 
listen to it.  
& you will feel the peace.

Your soul will tell you what you need to do. In the big things & the small things. 
Be still. 
Sometimes we don't like to hear what it's saying, but in my experience, every time I have listened, I have had peace. Even if it's the hardest thing. ever.

And....I've had to follow my heart on many instances that have been very difficult. 
Like now.
I am sad to say: I will no longer be a part of House of 3. I have loved it. But, all good things must come to an end...& my heart has been telling me for a while that it is time.  So...I have listened. It hasn't been easy, but I know...i KNOW I will never go wrong when I follow my heart. 

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