Monday, March 21, 2011

day 27: 6 week shape up and a WINNER!

 So fun to see your entries in the Wacom Pen Scrappers contest I hosted....THANK YOU to everyone!
and..without further ado...our winner is:

& remember, if you didn't win HERE on my blog, you still have all month to enter to win over at Penscrappers! So....go, enter, win!

& for some fun articles...go over to the Learning Center under Workshops for some articles by me! ENJOY!, NOW...onto our 6 week Shape up!  Today we are on day 27 & ALMOST a month...tomorrow is our 4 week mark! Can you believe it!?  I wanted to answer some questions I've been getting & give you some tips I've learned along the way on our 6 week journey!

Q: How do you record your goals? 

A: I have been writing them down in my Remarkable 2011 journal. And I do love that. But, I also have found a great little tool online & put the APP on my phone:
Lose it app. It's really helping me journal my food & exercise while helping me with my goals...right at my fingertips.

Q: What's your workout routine?  

A: I have been reporting in on my daily mile home page....which I love btw. I found it through my friend, Layle. & I love it because it tracks how much I walk, run & do my weight workouts.  Since it's still practically WINTEr...I have only been walking & running on the treadmill...& I'm looking forward to the warmer weather! holla!
I have also been DILIGENT with my fave weight workout: ChaLEAN Extreme routine. I just finished my first 4 weeks of Burn & today started my next 4 weeks of Push. wow. wow. wow. wow. wow. I love it!  I am getting stronger & I LOVE Chalean. She's great!

Q: How did you get off the sugar craving/addiction? 

A: You said your doctor had given you something.
This was a HUGE thing for me. Like I'd said before, I was a true addict. It was horrible!  But, w/in a week I was able to get off of it...& you know what? It's totally helped me!!!! It's called: Gymnema. It's all natural & it really curb my cravings, keep my blood sugar levels balanced & just made it easier with the horrible addiction I had. I'm not a doctor, so obviously I can't prescribe this, only tell you my experience. It works!  Talk to your doctor if you need help! :)

Q: I see you've been tweeting about Clean Eating. What is that? 

A:  This  magazine is so fabulous!  I love it. Online, you can get recipes, shopping lists, meal plans, read the forums, & get motivated. Plus, I love Tosca! She has a new book out called: Eat Clean diet: Stripped. Great recipes, & fat burning meal get that last 10 lbs off!  

Q: What motivates you? I can't seem to get motivated.

 A: I hear ya. Getting motivated is so difficult. Here are a few tips that have helped: 
1.  write down your goals & really stick with them. I learned SO much in the Soul REstoration class. It really helped me with my goals, figuring out WHY I do certain things & really getting down to what I want & how to get it. I learned I deserve to live the kind of life I've always wanted, but it will take hard work. There's no easy fix.
2. I watch Biggest Loser every week! LOL! It is seriously a HUGE motivator to me. I love it!
3. Think about Summer. LOL. that'll do it every time!
4. My health. I have had to make it my full time job to focus on getting my health back to where I can function, live & enjoy my life!  When my health was so compromised, I really had no is a HUGE motivator for me!

But, reality kicks in..I'm not motivated all the time. I get down. I want sugar. I don't want to work out...but, I have to pick myself up, blog & report to YOU! THAT is what really helps! So, thanks for all of your support..with me & each other. 
We can do this. 2 more weeks! It's never too late!
see you tomorrow for Check in Tuesday!

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