Tuesday, March 15, 2011

day 21: 6 week shape up

Yes. It's true...we are half way to the finish line for our 6 week shape up!

21 days. 3 weeks.

so, today is Check In Tuesday!
hoooooooowwwww did you do?
Happily I am STILL sugar *and all substitutues* FREE. 3 inches & 2 more pounds down....
and feeling great.

I've really enjoyed reading through all of your emails & messages about YOUR journey...
& again....something I keep hearing from many of you is:
I fell off the wagon.
so, this quote is for YOU!
if you do all of those things up above...YOU WILL FIND A WAY to jump back on that wagon.
Yes, it's difficult.
Yes, it takes a TON of will power...but. I have one thing to say:

This is YOUR body. Your ONLY body. & when you take good care of it, & shape it up...it will feel good. No. wait. It will feel great!

So...jump back on...you can do it!
p.s. don't forget tomorrow night's web show...some Daily Junque!

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