Tuesday, March 8, 2011

day 15: 6 week shape up>>Check in Tuesday

Today's the day....2 weeks! Can you believe it? 2 weeks into it...we are on the wagon...
full speed ahead.
feeling good.
feeling strong.
working at difficult things...
we are doing it!!!

I love the way it feels to do something that is really difficult...to do something that makes you better than you were the day before. or the week before.

I feel so empowered! Don't you?

I've LOVED hearing your stories & journeys! Many of you are participating *silently* & that's OK! The whole point is: JUST DO IT!

So, I'll be bold again...*yea, this is scary to shout this out to the world*..but, I was 3 inches down today. Weight is the same, but the inches are coming off. So, I'm happy because I"m getting stronger inside & out! Love it!

Ok, so what if you have fallen off the wagon? My answer to you is: jump back on! Our hands are always outstretched! You are OK. do NOT self sabotage, by telling yourself that it's too late. YOu can't get back on...no! that's not true! YOu CAN jump back on!

Look for the SUN. the Silver Lining. it's always there. 

I have been LOVING suns lately, as they represent the way I've been feeling. 
It started with Meloldy's Soul REstoration Class (& is now continuing into Christy's She Art class. )
Mel's class really spoke to my soul
I mean, REALLY. 
She has a wonderful way of sharing the way art heals...& is so therapeutic. I realized I'd been feeling a lot of things lately...well. for quite a while. & I needed to do something about it. I was feeling like my life was getting out of control. I was letting many VERY important things slide. I had to change things.
As I went through the classes in Soul Restoration, I started feeling like I could change. I was brave. It would be very difficult, but I knew I could do it. 
I started feeling the warmth of change. 
 like the sun. 
the life. 
the light started coming back. 
...the truths were speaking to me...
& when I started doing very difficult things to change...I started *am still starting* to feel more in control of the things that I can control. *obviously, I can't control a lot of things in my life...but the things I CAN control, I needed to change. & couldn't put it off any longer.

....hence the SUNS that I've been painting, cutting, mixing & creating. I love suns.
they represent happiness in change.

so, if you are feeling like you are in the dark. or you can't feel the light. or you can't change...it's too difficult.
don't worry...

here comes the sun. & it's all right.

don't be too rough on yourself....jump back in the game & take one day at a time.
one choice at a time.
dare to change the things you need to.
if you don't do it now~ when?
make it your best day. today.

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