Thursday, March 17, 2011

day 23: 6 week shape up & WACOM time!

Today, I feel so lucky!
I'm so excited about so many things:
No 1. Day 23 & feelin' great! How about YOU?  

No 2. Got my Blendtec yesterday & have been a healthy smoothie makin' machine. My kids are asking me to make the 'ice cream' kind of smoothies, but I'll hold off on that....too tempting for me now. I'm getting lots of yummy naturally sweet & nutritious recipes & trying them all! :)One of my fave, interesting tasting FAT BURNING recipes is from Tosca Reno>>>. go HERE>

No 3. My fave: Mindy Gledhill's Whole Wide World music video came out. It is truly one of THE most inspiring songs of all time for me...Just take a second to listen to the words. & all of you Spark you recognize it? We had the lyrics all over the venue as well as in our Spark No. 2 video by JMills! LOOOOOVE it! Makes me soo happy!

No 4.GREAT response for the 6 Week Shape Up brush set! So happy you all like them...I LOVE them! So, thanks for the kind words & can't wait to see how you use them!

which brings me to ....

No. 5.  It's time for a Wacom Pen Scrappers contest! Do you want to win a Bamboo Craft? Well...I've got one to give away here on my blog!  The contest has to do with the FREE March kit over at Pen Scrappers called: Singing in the Rain. Go check it out here: You will see that you can enter over there, too! So, 2 of you will have a chance to WIN a Bamboo Craft!

So, anyway...I wanted to introduce you to the whole Pen Scrappers's a GREAT resource for tutorials on HOW to do anything & everything with your Wacom in the Learning Center.  Lessons, Workshops, Photo Clinic, & the Tablet Playground.

Be watching, because some articles of mine will be coming up in the Learning Center really soon. I'll for sure share them here when they do, but for now...go on over & browse.

and...w/o further ado... our contest rules:
with ANY other brush set; hint: the 6 week shape up brush set would be a fun addition...
2. Create an inspiring piece of digital art with a quote, know..whatever INSPIRES you. 
3. Share it with us on your blog, flickr, or use it to enter in the contest on Pen Scrappers in the forum...& then I'll choose a winner to WIN your own Bamboo Craft
**contest ends on Sunday night. 3.20.11 **

ok...ready? set...get LUCKY!

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