Wednesday, March 2, 2011

day 9 & 10: 6 week shape up...& a GiveaWay!

Feelin' great today. great workouts. great, healthy food....feelin' fantastic, in fact!  Thanks for all of your shout outs for Check In Tuesday! Sounds like you are all on FIRE! WTG!

LOVED this quote when I read it....the world DOES need people who have come alive! & I feel alive with all of this focus on getting healthy. I feel like I can do anything...with the world in my hands! Don't you?

Yesterday was so Spring*y, I loved it. Birds chirping. Sun shining. It was glorious! So, I got to cleaning my studio. I haven't re-done a few things in it for a while & am in desperate need of some new office furniture. I am looking at some really comfy chairs...I need one so badly! For all the time I spend at the computer, you'd think I'd have a super comfy one...but, alas, I don't. And it's time.
So, as I was perusing the office furniture, of course, I started thinking of a new 'decor' theme...and..I've been so obsessed with globes for a while now..and got caught up for about an HOUR looking at globes & all the fun things I can do with the woRld in my hands!

I thought I'd give 
One of YOU a chance to win a $55 gift certificate to THIS Globe store!
What will YOU do with the world in your hands?
tell me & I'll share the winner on Friday!

p.s. NO House of 3 web show tonight...but, next week SOIREE time!

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