Tuesday, March 29, 2011

day 35: Check in Tuesday for week 5!

Check in Tuesday.6 Week Shape Up. Week 5.
Step right up!
Report in!
And tell us how you've done this past week.
Week 5.
We have 1 more week.
If you've been *so-so* the past 5 weeks...crank it up for the finish line, ok?
If you've been *oh-so* diligent....this is IT! The home stretch...we are doing it!

I am happy to say I lost 2 lbs. & 2.75 inches. *holla* I am so excited! Of course, that was NOT my reason to start this...but, the over all 'shape up' of NO SUGAR is really paying off!

...part of my motivation has been Tosca Reno'sEat Clean Diet: Stripped. In her book she talks about self sabotage & the fear of failure and the fear of success. She said something that really struck me...

"No one does everything perfectly all the time, although it may sometimes appear that others do when you're watching them from the outside.  Success does not come from perfection; it comes from consistently moving in the right direction, which eventually brings you where you want to be, and that is something you really don't need to fear."


Love that! Again...going with yesterday's post...it's making the right choices every day....moving in the right direction.
We are not all going to be perfect, but we CAN move toward our goal! every. single. day.

so....even if you didn't make your *goal*, you ARE moving in the right direction.

Here's to our last week! We can do this! It's soo worth it!....home stretch..do NOT give up!

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