Wednesday, March 9, 2011

day 16: 6 week shape up

Like I'd mentioned before...Soul Restoration did just that for me...restored my soul. Melody is amazing & the curriculum to this 6 week class is so rich, powerful & life changing.
(I am not good with words, so please don't judge me as I share some HERE to see how great Melody is with words...& her wisdom on judging.)

With her permission, I'd love to share some of the things that really spoke to me. *thanks, Mel!*

Today's art piece is a quote from Week Four journal prompts. The thing I do love about the whole class is that Melody guides you through the journey of really restoring your soul. Her questions, journal prompts & videos are all geared towards your own personal journey to really get through to the heart of your hopes & your very best life. It's not easy. It's not pretty. But, it's worth it.

Through questions & prompts you learn about yourself & work through some very difficult things. For me, it opened up some things that I have tucked away for years that I really needed to just work on...after all, when was I planning on living my best life? *grin* 
Isn't that what this life is all about? I was being deceived thinking these 'things' would just 'go away'.  I had to (have to) find the truths, accept the truths & live these truths.

Week four is about doing it matter what kinds of things people have said to us, or we've said to ourselves, or experiences we've had that have paralyzed us or made it difficult to get on with our life.

What do I consistently use as a reason to stay stuck?

Am I willing to choose to do the things that are difficult but possible?

When I think about the heroine who inspires me...what kinds of things have they had to choose to go out & do it anyway?

If I were to be the heroine in my own story...what are the kinds of obstacles that I will choose to overcome?
*quotes copyright Melody Ross/Soul Restoration*

Don't you just love those prompts? They really made me think. and feel. I felt things that amazed me.   

Each week was full of truths, self exploration & in the end...I came out with such an inspiration to always, ALWAYS live my best life.
Every. single. day. I'll never get another 'today'....

Another thing I learned was: to be kind to myself & others...react with LOVE in all things.
It's not easy when people are not always kind, or I don't feel good about myself..but, in the end the message that resonated in my soul was/IS:
react with love.

Mel has another online workshop coming up April 5th..I HIGHLY recommend this to everyone who is ready. It is quite alarming..some of the very personal things I learned, but I did it! And I'm doing it...every day. And so can YOU!
And....a Soul Restoration 2 is offered as well: Living your truth.

I asked Melody if I could share these things with you since I thought they went so well with what we are trying to accomplish in our 6 week shape up!
It really does go hand in hand...amazing!
Ok....happy Wednesday! 

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