Tuesday, February 26, 2013

cReative Team Tuesday: Instagram + new Insta Fonts!

As you know, tomorrow night is my next LIVE Instagram class at Thanksgiving Point! And, it is the same one that will be going up ONLINE for those that can't make it....if all goes well, we are planning on launching it on Rhonna Designs on Thursday! woohoo! The fun thing about this class is: it comes w/ 5 NEW InstaFonts that will ONLY be offered in this class! InstaSMASH, InstaDAYS, InstaBEAUTY, InstaLUCK  & my all time fave: InstaQuotes2!
For cReative Team Tuesday...I wanted to give you a sneak peek of what my amazing team has been posting on Instagram! Ch*Ch*checkity check:

So.....be watching for the Newsletter to go out soon w/ the details! We are so excited here at Rhonna Designs! Happy Tuesday...go create something...wonderful!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

19 years ago.....when the Story Began!

19 Years ago I married my best friend, the most amazing man ever!!! And Our Story began!
It's been a joke from the day we got married...I always say: "I'm the LUCKIEST girl in the world". & he agrees, he's the LUCKIEST man in the world!  *giggle*  This little joke has become part of 'Our Story' & it has gone on for 19 years...We sign notes like that, we tell each other every night that we are THE LUCKIEST in the world! It's even spilled over to our kids!  It's part of Our Story! 

I'm sooo thankful for technology! It makes it soooo easy to document Our Story!
Hard to believe that when Our Story began, the internet was just barely making it's debut!
Computers, Photoshop, Cameras (yes, digital wasn't even invented!!!) & Cell phones have really refined the way I tell my story!

19 years later....I'm telling my story via my blog, facebook, twitter, vine & instagram! For my family AND others!
My family giggles as I take out my phone to capture the moment, but I KNOW we will all be thankful when 19 more years go by & we have a collection of photos, memories and stories of how we are THE LUCKIEST! *wink*
I LOVE teaching classes & creating products for others to learn how to use their phones to capture their photos, memories & stories!

Last year I shared a VERY cool local conference going on called: Story At Home. Aaannddd...guess what? This year's conference is coming up March 21-23! I"m giddy! Check out the CLASSES here!
One of my cReative Team members, Emily Hill, is part of a panel discussing Social Media & HOW to use it to tell YOUR Story! Isn't she amazing? I feel sooo lucky to have her on my cReative Team...she's so cReative in all she does! See? I'm the LUCKIEST girl in the world! *wink*

Go LIKE them on Facebook to see what's happening!
and go HERE to Register! I'll be there...hope YOU will join us!
It will surely be uplifting and inspRing!

My Minds Eye and Rhonna Designs

You know I LOVE My Mind's Eye & I've so enjoyed working with them on a couple of my most recent collections. I mean...My Mind's Eye and Rhonna Designs? Perfect Match!  *wink* I adore the My Mind's Eye Design Team....& LOVE seeing the blog & how they all cReate with MME products....
well... You know my All Is Bright Christmas collection, right? (in stores now)... well LOOK at what the amazing Tamara Jensen created for Valentine's Day

Yes...she's brilliant! She took the traditional Christmas & looked at it in a different way...talk about 
The fab thing is...there's also the coordinating Digital collection called: Christmas Junque on Rhonna Designs!
So...following in the amazing Tamara's footsteps....challenge yourself cReatively & use Christmas Junque for anytime of the year!
totally wanna create now...don't you? Go! Create!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

cReative Team Tuesday---inspiRation

Hope everyone had a wonderfully uplifting & inspiRing Valentine's Day & celebrated your loved ones!
Today's cReative Team Tuesday is delightful w/ a couple of snapshots from the homes of Melissa & Nancy! LOVE how they incorporated Rhonna Designs into their Valentine Day gifts & decor!

 Melissa's darling table-scape is simply gorgeous. I love her use of The Kiss Collection Frameables.

Go on over to her blog to see more...she's truly amazing...THANKS, Melissa...you are so fab!

Ok...now...check out THE cutest little goody bags Nancy made w/ the Chalkboard Cheer Art Bundle!

 think I just might have THE most cReative team ever? I'm truly grateful for each of them & their uniqueness they offer to us ALL to uplift & inspiRe!
  Thanks so much girls...love you!
Ok...so...I don't know about you...but, I'm ready for some SUNSHINY Chalkboard Cheer, aren't you? 


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Valentine Place Mats...chalk aRt!

I'm giddy for tomorrow. I LOVE Valentine's Day------> The day to really spoil the ones i LOVE!
My mom did the same thing...we'd wake up to a festive breakfast & always made it a special day...it was always *magical*! Like mother. Like daughter...she's instilled this in me! *wink*
So...I've got pinks going on...lots of LOVE & did something fun! I took some of those plain paper place mats, a stick of chalk (along w/ a few of my tips & tricks) & created custom Valentines! 

These are the big place mats that come in all colors, but when I saw these black ones, all I could think about was chalking them! So fun...I will most likely set them at the table tomorrow morning & surprise them with some *magic*! What are YOU doing to make things *magical* around your home tomorrow?

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

chalkboard art Valentines

It's Tuesday & you know what that means: it's cReative Team Tuesday! And a HUGE welcome to all those that are here from my Studio 5 segment today on NBC's  KSL.
Today, it's all about Rhonna Designs chalkboaRd aRt!
Chalkboard aRt is all the rage, whether it's done freehand or digitally, Rhonna Designs has got you covered!
The host of Studio 5, Darrin, was brave & took the challenge to recreate one of my chalkboard art designs freehand! wow! He'll uplift & inspire you as he takes the freehand challenge- WATCH IT HERE!
And.... for those of you who want to try your hand at it...I'm teaching another LIVE Chalkboard Cheer class (the first 2 sold out, so we added a third) at the fabulous boutique & bistro, Dear Lizzie tomorrow night! Call to make reservations: 801-492-0022
And, for those of you who'd just like to enjoy my designs, I've made them available as digital Printables! Simply print out, frame & enjoy! 

OR...get super cReative like my amazing cReative Team Member, Melissa Mortenson, and with my Rhonna Designs Chalkboard Art...cReate something w/ a twist:

Isn't that fab? I LOVE how cReative Melissa got w/ my Chalkboard Cheer aRt..I mean, really? A tee shirt? yup! That's Melissa....& she's got more photos, details & a tutorial over on her blog!

So...for those of you that are jumping on the Chalkboard aRt bandwagon...try it freehand w/ my tips, tricks & techniques in my Classes OR enjoy the digital versions with the Chalkboard Cheer Printables!
And, not to fret...I'll be releasing my SPRING Chalkboard Cheer soon! *wink* Until then....

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

cReative Team Tuesday:: Valentine Projects

Are you ready? It's time to be uplifted & inspiRed by my amazing cReative Team! Today Heather Thoming & Jamie Pate bring us sheer deliciousness!
Heather will blow your mind w/ these amazing Valentine projects using her Silhouette & Rhonna Designs! I mean...really? How lovely are these?
 The glitter combined w/ the Insta KISS design is simply gorgeous! Love this so much, Heather! Run on over to her blog HERE for some more info on this!
And this FAB sign? I am in love with how she used the Insta Kiss & Insta Pop fonts/brushes to create this...Heather has a tutorial over on her blog...so- again- IF you want to be uplifted & inspiRed...be sure to check it out...but ONLY if you want to get your cReative juices flowing! *wink*

Now...Jamie's got a style all her own & we get to take a lil peek into her home with her Valentine vignettes.

She's got a whole lotta Rhonna Designs going on here & I'm loving how she combined my KISS ME kits, KISS Collection AND the Chalkboard Cheer Printables! wow! Isn't it just divine?
So...go! cReate! We are 9 days away from this fun day to celebRate our loved ones!