Saturday, March 7, 2009

House of 3:: project of the day...

*which was actually yesterday, but who's getting technical, right? ** LOVE these Lists! They are complete with 4 lists: Weekly Menu, Shopping List, To Do List & Phone Messages!

You can do so many things with these: gum them with notepad adhesive, print out with the Sunny Backgrounds, like Heidi did here or just print out a couple of sheets & stick them on the fridge!
and....our first House of 3 Book Contest submission has started! If you didn't get the Newsletter annoucement, be sure you're signed up here!
Can't wait to see all the stuff! you guys are rockin' the House!
have a fab weekend!


  1. Rhonna these are `gorgeous`...
    Any advice where to get the sticky back clear sticker sheets???
    `Thankyou` soo much..
    I just love your creations...mmm:)♥

  2. I sooooooooooo LoVe your creations! Can I ask what you printed on? Thanks;)

  3. Hi Rhonna...
    Are all!!! the digital and downloadables easily usable and adaptable for cards
    Paintshop Pro Photo x2?
    This is the prgramme I have but would love to use a lot of the images on cards?
    Since I am more of a cardmaker and love your images...
    Thankyou so much for your help..
    Enjoy the rest of your Evening:)

  4. I love love love it! I am really likign yellow lately so this is perfect!

  5. Rhonna, you are so talented and creative. I am really intimidated by the digital stuff. I guess we just need to have a cousin's night so you can show us some basics. LOL Like you have time for that!?! Seriously, though, keep up the good work!

  6. Beautiful beautiful blog and all your work is wonderful. Where could I find the little bird on the right of your page?

  7. Is that "frig art" something to look forward to? Possibly in the line of vinyl wall art?

  8. Sheila!!! don't you LOVE that stuff?
    the bird & twig are Heidi's 'masks', but the frame?
    oh the frame...
    with jewels?
    yea...comin' to House of 3...
    i'll let you know when they are 'in the House'!!!!
