Monday, March 9, 2009

inspiRation Monday.....

I just *heart* the start of a new inspiRations abound! Kids are home today..but, we are just chillin'...getting some stuff done!

a few things inspiRing me at the moment: **besides my cute girls, LOL!*
**Cake Photography.
I'm in love with Jefra's style of photography & this new wedding photography? um...can I get married all over again? yea...anyone in Utah...check them out!!! She's fab!

**Furniture re-purposing:: chairs, dressers...the works! love. (images from flickr)

**buttons: yea. i know funny, but I'm soooo into buttons right now. particularly vintage & very different!
***good friends! I *heart* these girls; Sande & Layle...good friends=good inspiRation!

and...I am in LOVE with anything Elizabeth does...check out her new digs on her blog! so fun!, in honor of inspiRation Monday...I'm going to be giving away another fabulous 'inspiRation box o' goodies'! Just sign in here...tell me what is inspiRing YOU today!


  1. Today, I am finding inspiration from baby things...I was just going through 2 yo dd's closet and thinking that I need to hang up some of her clothes in my scrap room for inspiration... smiles!

  2. Hi Rhonna!

    I am really inspired right now by the hot trends at Old Navy! I love how fashion meets function at that store...and how *cute* all of their stuff is for spring! Their rainbow color pallet gets me in the mood of "basics" - for my wardrobe, home decorating, accessories, and of course scrapping!!!


  3. I am taking a class in watercolor painting and I am so inspired by the paint colors and what happens when they hit the paper and blend.

  4. Hi Rhonna...

    I find I nspiration right here!!!!
    Just looking through your beautiful things:)

    Have a lovely Evening:)♥

  5. The bright flowers I planted and see every time I time I drive into the driveway inspire me to mix bright colors and patterns together.

  6. I am inspired by the colors I see around our home. The blue peeking from behind the clouds, the green of the grass appearing from under the snow, the branches of the tree just waiting for to burst forth with buds. I am inspired by the birds around my bird feeder, I saw a woodpecker for the first time today. I am inspired by the colors, sounds, smells that maybe spring really is coming...maybe...

  7. A couple of things are inspiring me at the moment. All the House of 3 goodies and watching the way my daughters unleash their free spirits on anything.
    My 11 year old sewed her own messenger style bag this weekend using bright pinks oranges and yellows then made herself notebooks and covers from the House of 3 backgrounds to match!!
    Sparked loads of creativity in my little head!

  8. I am inspired by my upcoming move. Going through all of your worldly possessions is a great inspiration - especially when you come across TONS of things you even forgot you had!

  9. Things that are inspiring me right now: the color yellow and orange. makes me feel that springs is right around the corner. My dog. He's so carefree, runs around the house and just likes to have fun. New dresses from forever 21, cheap but ohh so fashionable.

  10. I haven't been really inspired lately. With the kids sick, and money tight....i just can't seem to get in the creative mood.

  11. I find inspiration so far this week in the amazing girls of the design team at a scrapbook forum I run. I also find heaps of inspiration in blogs like this one :) Rhonna, u rock the inspiration!

  12. Ohhh, I am getting sooo inspired by all the newest outdoor retreats/garden mags! ...we have a new home and this is our first spring, so the outside with it's large yard is just a blank palette ripe for the "painting"! LOL

  13. I'm inspired by the weather! The birds are singing, the weather has warmed up and is simply beautiful. I want to surround myself with bright beautiful colors!

  14. I am gaining inspiration from the people on Oprah today. All the people have had some form of "challenge" to face in life and it is making my challenge look a little less overwhelming and a little more doable. People can do amazing things!

  15. What's inspiring me as of late are the beautiful flowers in my garden in front of my house. I just love the colors of spring...Absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for the chance to win;)

  16. The feel of change in the air...the way the sun seems xtra bright against the green overgrown-ness of winter and the way it bounces silvery off the crest of the waves...the pops of color in my garden as my plants wake from their winter's ALL inspiring me right now!

  17. The color PiNk, nature, cool blogs and being around creative people are very inspirational. I did not tap into my creative side until college. I guess better late than never:)

  18. As of this past weekend...I'm inspired by a clean and organized studio, pink, orange, and some Super Cute tags that you designed (and I altered the colors a bit...that's where more of the "organizing" part comes in). I've been "Spring Cleaning" my studio and my new tags are just so functional and fab! It's not complete, but I'm very inspired and motivated to keep working on it. I LOVE to create in a clean studio. Here's a peek!

  19. Amy Butler fabric....I have got my sewing machine out for the first time in a long time, planning to sew and add some sewing to my layouts aswell....

  20. I am inspired by having the windows open and listening to the birds chirp and the wind blow. I always feel much more energized when I can listen to those beautiful sounds in the background and find that the creativity flows. It helps that my birthday is a few days away and I am eagerly anticipating a visit from my sister and as soon as she lands we are heading to the other local airport for a girl trip to Vegas with her and some dear, dear friends! Woohoo! Let the fun begin!

  21. I am visiting my parents in Arizona this week and the warm weather is definately wonderful. I can't wait to get back to my craft room in cold SE Idaho and get to work.

  22. Today I'm inspired by neutrals - I wore a white v-neck with my cream sweater and khakis and just felt fresh!

  23. I am inspired by the life of my mother. I have been using your housewarming kit to make chapter headings for a book about her life. I don't have to look far to find inspiration in my life as long as my mother is around. Yesterday, I took photos of all of the colorful wallpapers in her home to include as satches in her book. Photos of her china and lladro will always remind us of her. I felt inspiration as I opened cupboard, took photos and smelled the smells of my childhood all over again. Yummy and inspiring.

  24. Oh my wow...I'm also so into buttons. I've been on a hunt at all of the local thrift stores.

    What is inspiring my studio, totally emptied it out and putting it all back together. I can't wait to play with some hidden treasures that are out in front now!

  25. I am inspired today by the Doc I work for. He was on the front page of the Tulsa World and the Oklahoma City papers today. They did an article about Hyperberic Oxygen Therapy that we offer and about all the people it has helped!
    Autism is close to my heart and one thing that really helps kids with ASD in HBOT! I told Doc today that I am proud to be on his Team! Dr Gerald Wootan is my inpiration today!

  26. I am inspired by having more time on my hands!

  27. What is inspiring me is the quest for silence and natural light. Our apartment building is getting rennovated - hence lots of noise and the windows all covered up.

  28. I love the beginning of a new week! Gives me a fresh start. What inspires me is my little girl. She is so full of life and energy and when I'm having a bad day or a good day she smiles and all my worries go out the window. She has no idea what kind of an impact she has on my life!

  29. What has me inspired today is the additional hour...even though there aren't actually more hours in the day I sure do love have the extra sunlight at the end of my day!!!

  30. I am inspired by Donna Downey's post telling us how she changed her lifestyle... see her blog today for a run down on how she lost 48 pounds! Makes me want to go to the gym!

  31. The color yellow and the warm, sunny days we've been having in the South (can you tell I'm ready for SPRING!)

    So glad I can leave a comment again on your blog!

  32. I am inspired by some fresh new "she" notebooks from Compendium. They are simple and have the best quotes on them. I now need to fill them with goals, thoughts, stories, ideas, etc.

  33. I just read a great article about Michelle Obama in Oprah's magazine. She inspires me!

  34. I'm inspired by color currently!
    What ever is fresh and bold is giving me lots of juce to create!

  35. "Spring cleaning" and I love to clean and reorganize my little project corner. It seems everyone is sprucing up there scrap rooms and I love peeking in to their rooms. Kayla Lamoreaux ( had a great idea of making face plates for her photo catergorie drawers and I had to give it a try. I made my own with photoshop and House of 3 "Sunny Papers" and the "Bird Cage Printable Kit".

  36. Oh how wonderful. I am inspired by "country-ish" colors. The housewarming kit got me started on wanting to do projects that would feel cozy.

  37. I'm inspired by my oldest son (7) he started guitar lessons today and has been rewriting everything he's learned and trying to teach me-love it!

  38. I'm inspired by my oldest son (7) he started guitar lessons today and has been rewriting everything he's learned and trying to teach me-love it!

  39. After putting together my House Warming Book, I have been totally inspired by all things yellow and turquoise.....I am noticing the color combo everywhere and it feels so fresh and Spring-y :)

  40. Today, right this minute, I am totally inspired by spring. The sun is shining and the dogwoods are blooming outside my window. I feel the need to scrap with something bright yellow!

  41. Today I am inspired by my little boy... as I am everyday. He is always so happy and intrigued by the littlest things. Definitely a reminder for me to slow down and simplify. :O)

  42. I am always inspiried by talented people like you! :)

  43. I am inspired by my husband. We have been tiling the dining room. He comes home from work and goes right to work on our home. I would have needed a break first and probably a Pepsi before jumping right in.

  44. I <3 inspiRation Monday! I am inspired by your blog and Hof3 right now. Getting ready to stay up late and scrap!

  45. Right now spring is inspiring me
