Friday, March 6, 2009

special day....

your day, Shelle! & I want to wish you a happy, happy birthday!!!!

Ok, so my little *younger* sister is turning 40 today! We are 16 months apart & I don't remember my life w/o her. We've been the best of friends & *uhum* let's just say...we've had
our share of cat fights...scars to prove it!
and I've loved every minute of it...she is the BEYST!**nacho libre**Not only is she THE most wonderful wife & mother of 5, amazing example of how to live a life full of love, service & true Charity, but...she's a Mompreneur & her business celebrates 10 years of phenomenal growth and success! She's an amazing musician & her business sprouted from her desire to teach her children MUSIC! And...what better way than to PLAY? Let's Play Music is an a*mazing program. We didn't live close to any one that taught when J & T were younger, but S got to take it & he can compose, understands & LOVES music now! I *heart* her for putting so much blood, sweat & tears into this many children all over the country are learning from it! And, parents...check it out! If you live close to someone who teaches, seriously consider it! You'll be blown away!

I LOVE being with her...we (all our sisters, mom & sisters in law) just laugh & laugh...
I got to go down to AZ to share a birthday celebration weekend!!!! We had so much, eating, laughing, repeat. Our fave: Cheesecake Factory, was a must...& we got these cool photos! **I tell ya, have your camera in tow when you go to restaraunts! these pics and the one above (shelle's headshot) were taken during lunches at different restaraunts...great light! **

Celebrate, my dear! enjoy today...cuz they say 40 is the new 20! enjoy, sweets! I love you tons!


  1. What great pics...You have a beautiful family;)

  2. Gorgeous photo's Rhonna and a happy birthday to your "younger" sister ;) I have to say I'm loving the yellow and splashes of pink and blue on your blog, is this one in the store? Very delicious indeed! xo

  3. Happy Birthday to your Sis! 40 is soooo the New 20! :) Jen

  4. testing, testing....lots of problems with leaving comments...sorry guys!
    I'm trying this pop up window thing...let's see if you still have problems leaving comments!
    email me if you have problems, ok?


  5. It is so nice to see familiar faces....I love Kim and your Mom is so talented..Your Uncle Allen Garns was our Bishop and I got to meet your mom and your Dad was my girls Seminary teacher and left a great impression on them...Kim worked for my brother at Water n Ice before she married and she danced at Mesa High with my daughter nice to see much loved faces...
