Thursday, March 12, 2009

i ...need...some....grass....

not *that* kind!
THIS kind!
Seriously...this it's-still-winter-March-is-a-tease-thing is getting to me...& I'm getting so excited for Spring & Easter!!!!

I need some grass!

so...I'm going to get to it! I guess according to this: it takes 1 week to see sprouts!
a shopping list for a few things needed:

**Ikea; don't you think these shallow saucers would be so fab with grass in them?
**Gardening Center; potting soil &
**a Feed Store; for the specific seed i need.

I'll keep you updated on this little venture*of*a*black*thumb. LOL!

In the meantime..I'm almost finished with the video tutorial on Shutterfly! I will post as soon as my resident-iMovie-editor is home & helping does a 12 year old know more about iMovie than her mother? answer: they are so good at this stuff...huh?

have a fab day...Stephanie, I'm getting your box o' inspiRation goodies'll LOVE it! I'm having so much fun!

And...keep your little projects a*coming...cuZ I'm preparing THE coolest box for one of you...share your links, ok?



  1. Hey Rhonna! Good luck with your grass project...I too, do not have a green thumb - gardening is definitely NOT my forte! Anyhow, I had a creative moment last night and posted it on my blog...Check it out when you get a chance;)

  2. You could still get rye grass seed at any nursery, Lowes, etc. We used to do this for the children's Easter baskets. It was sooo cute.

  3. ooo, Deborah...thank you!!! I had no idea. I'll totally try that...haven't found the time to get to the 'feed store' so any nursery for the potting soil will have it?

    you are the best!

  4. Oh, how wonderful it would bee to see some green grass, some flowers and some signs of spring. :)
    Miss it too.
    Hope you are fine my friend.
    big hugs to you

    oh, by the way, the blog-commenting works much better this way! ;)

  5. Oh, how wonderful it would bee to see some green grass, some flowers and some signs of spring. :)
    Miss it too.
    Hope you are fine my friend.
    big hugs to you

    oh, by the way, the blog-commenting works much better this way! ;)

  6. Oh, how wonderful it would bee to see some green grass, some flowers and some signs of spring. :)
    Miss it too.
    Hope you are fine my friend.
    big hugs to you

    oh, by the way, the blog-commenting works much better this way! ;)

  7. thanks!!! :)
    Ohhhhh just can't wait!!!

    Just making sure that you got my email... with my addy?
    Have a happy Friday!

  8. To answer your question, I just saw rye grass seed at the Lowes in Gilbert last weekend...and it should be on sale by now! Love love love all your art!
    **blows kisses** Deborah
