Tuesday, March 10, 2009

kiss kiss

to you all...i have loved reading what inspiRed you on Monday! Love it!
Christi...I loved hearing about the baby things...you are bRilliant..but, then again, you always are!

Abby, you are a girl after my own heart...fashion is *always* inspiring to me! Bianca..you hit it on the head...Forever 21...lovey!

Many of you are inspiRed by color, spRing & seeing other people's inspiRation! ...loved hearing about Oprah, Donna's weight loss & Mr. Doc! WTG everyone...love gaining inspiRation from other! ...totally with ya!

Sherri...I know! We all get in ruts & it's hard to find our mojo again...I hope you find it soon! hugs!

And...i loved hearing about your mom, Julie! Great idea of taking pics of wallpaper & such! love that!

Joanne...Fabrics, ah!!! sunshine (who WOULDN"T love AZ right now, right Wendy?)
Emily...loved envisioning your wardrobe! totally inspiring!

Jill...tell me if you find fab buttons, ok? *wink*

Quotes, silence & time...you are all inspiRed by so many different things...loved hearing it! Now...challenge: go & DO something with that inspiRation & then link
back to me here so we can all see, ok? **another goodie to one of you for this!**

Stay Funny, please email me & give me your addy...a whole lotta inspiRation is comin' your way!
so....I've been creating. I love this space o' mine. even when it's messy...like today!

happy cReating to everyone! & I can't wait to see what YOU created in all that splash o' inspiRation!!!
**eta: a friend of mine sent this link to me over at Stash Studios.

Happily shown on this mirror is my **Extraordinary**rub on...I *heart* the photo, Junkin' Ya Ya & I *heart* that my rub on is a teeny tiny part of someone's amazing cReativity! Thank you!!!!
P.S. I have had several emails about where to buy these rub-ons. They are a couple of years old, & I can't even find them! I loved them...so, that's why I created a digital version of them: found here at the House of 3 store.


  1. Fun photos of your studio! I'd love to see more!

  2. I just posted some recent layouts using the color yellow and orange in my blog.

  3. I love your BLOG! What great and wonderful ideas!!!!

  4. I put some of my inspiration to use, love your blog...http://joanneantivilo.blogspot.com/

  5. Thanks so much!
    Super exited! I sending you my email and have a great Wednesday, you truly made mine! Sxx

  6. Posted an entry using the bird cages from House of 3.
    can't wait for the video making the book:)

  7. I took your challenge! Thanks for the push! You can see it here... http://alteredambitions.blogspot.com/2009/03/its-hiphop-rewind.html
