Thursday, January 28, 2010


I'm home!
wow. what a whirl wind at the Craft trade show aka: CHA this past week! House of 3 was booth this time, but we were at other booths doing demos & projects!
Thanks to Wacom/istock photo, Silhouette & Tattered Angels! And, thanks for all who came by to say hi!
so fun! We did our House of 3 Heart Shadow box project at the
Silhouette booth! And look at that delicious Silhouette fuzzy vinyl with our House of 3 'xoxo' word art!

And a note about the Retailer's CHA Heart Box Special: a box of 30 Heart Box kits for $150. That's $5 each, but you'll need to purchase at least 30 to get this deal. It was great talking to stores about this project & the kit itself. CHA Special will be on for the next few days...perfect for Valentine Make & Take projects at your store!

Lots of fabulously exciting things happened &
House of 3 is elated! Be we said: 2010 will be Simply Amazing!

Tonight, we'll have our Live Webshow with Heidi doing
House of 3's Top 5 Faves from CHA!

And it was so fun to meet up with friends from all over! Love you guys! and if you have pix of us together...please send me some love! :)and...lastly: APRON goodness! One of my darling friends made me this sassy little apron for Christmas & I was just IN LOVE with's unique. it's gorgeous. it's ruffly. it's lacey. it's sooo fab! I went ga-ga over it...i hadn't seen anything like what? She's selling 'ruffle ready' kits on her blog at LadyAnn Designs....

I wore the fab apron to my demos on Tuesday & was stopped all along the way for pictures...I think she's got something fab! Go on over to her blog to get an Eloise Apron kit...She only has a get'em while they are HOT!
AND if you are not a seamstress (even with her pre-cut, ruffle ready kits) you can always buy a pre-made apron....come on...dawn yourself with this fab'll feel like such a domestic goddess! *wink*


  1. hey Rhonna! It was SO fun to meet you in person! Once I put the connection between you and your father, I just COULDN'T believe it! You have an AMAZING family that has blessed my life creatively and spiritually--THANK YOU! You are truly inspirational!

  2. CHA was awesome. So fun to meet you!

  3. did you get the ruffles around the heart boxes? Is that something you would be willing to share with all of us who couldn't make it to CHA?? Pretty please?? :)

  4. CHA was so fun! It was such a treat to get to meet you -you're adorable and SO talented! Not to mention a total blast to hang out with! We need to do lunch! HUGS! :)

  5. Hey-- are you doing a kit or something of the sort to bring in donations for Haiti? I have one I was looking at but I would naturally want yours instead! :)
    Also, special request! No one does anything very fun for St Patrick's Day but my family (and a bunch of people I know) celebrate it every year. Will you ladies do some fun stuff? I would LOVE some great St Patty's stuff!!! Thanks! It was fun watching tonight, recharged my creative "battery" now I am ready to go make stuff!

  6. dianna! yes, it was soo fun to meet you, too! you are fab! thank YOU!

    Lisa, right back atchya! :)

    Lindzie! yes, we'll be sharing the ruffle stuff sooon! *wink*

    Andrea, you are just too cute & sweet! Thank so much!

    Heather! I just posted info on a Haiti relief collaborative kit I was involved's fab. And, LOVE the idea of a fun St. Patty's kit. will do!
    we always LOVE to get requests!

    thanks guys!
    you rock!

  7. cha looks like so much fun!! thanks for all the info! and i absolutely adore the apron!!! so stinkin cute. glad you're back safe 'n' sound!
