Friday, January 8, 2010

Wednesday House of 3 LIVE!

Ok, so this Wednesday, 1.13.10, we are so excited to announce our next LIVE Webshow



Yes, a
whole hour dedicated to sharing, showing, teaching, laughing, creating, inspiring & maybe even some more dancing! LOL!

We'll even be giving away a Silhouette SD machine along with a House of 3 Valentine bundle....can't wait! please join us!

It was so fun to bond with so many women all over the globe...i love this technology!

Happy Weekend!


  1. Oh, wow. I've only recently became interested in owning a cutting machine. Did my little research, and thought the Silhouette was the best option! THEN 'House of 3' joined forces...I am sold! lol. I am truly looking forward to this upcoming webshow. :D

  2. Girls, you show has become something I so foward too every Wed night! You gals could just set there and talk about your everyday lives and not teach a thang!! and I would still come and watch. I just wish the chat would not roll so fast.. I never seem to be able to read it!! LOL Anyway, I will be there with bells on my toes with you gals Wed night!!

    Until Then.....

    Smiles, Love, and Prayer
    Angela Holt

  3. Loved the webcast! Had to catch it a bit later, but none the less, it was great! I have my calendar marked for the next one. Keep up the good work. Loving this technology.

  4. Im there! Just know when your done with us Im gonna have to have a Silhouette! Need a bigger craft room!

  5. oh man!
    i am falling hard for that silhouette. it keeps enticing me.
    how can one be in the drawing if every wednesday night they are at a previously planned event...LIKE EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT?
    any suggestions?
