Thursday, January 7, 2010

House of 3 Webshow replay

Thanks everyone! Last night was so fun....& for those of you that missed it... here ya go!

It was so fun to have the whole House of 3 together...loved chatting & loved kicking off
Twenty Ten with our Simply Amazing class & kit! Be watching next Wed, too!'ll be so fun! Lots of cool stuff planned!


  1. bwahahaha!! this is a classic! adam and bailey LOVED it. and your step stool rocked.

  2. Hi Rhonna!
    Loved the webcast and I've already got my kit...can't wait to get started!
    I have an un-related question, though...
    HOW can I delete more than one brush at a time from the brushes palette in photoshop? For some reason all of my brushes have loaded in photoshop over and over so I have a zillion brushes in there and I don't know how to delete more than 1 at a time. aaaahhhh! thanks in advance!!

  3. Rhonna, I am wondering if you gals are considering addressing the printing issue... perhaps adding a 'release' in each file so that we don't have a hard time getting something printed off at a business.
    Honestly, this is a large part of what kept me from ordering The Kit on Wednesday night during the video chat (I was there - yay!); the fact that I can't afford to use my ink for so many pages but I'm afraid that my local Staples/Office Depot will give me a hard time once they see the HO3 info on it.
    'Hope that your arm is doing okay.
    Thanks so much.
    Melissa :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Amazing! I didn't get to catch you "girls" on the night of, so thanks for the info. I love the webcast and the inspiration is totally awesome! House of 3 ROCKS!

  6. amy, as i watched it again, I had to laugh cuz I saw YOU in ME! ya sis!

    Talia...great question. I will have to do a whole blog post on that. I'll get to it!

    Melissa! another great question. Will you email me? And anyone else that has that issue?

    Sheila...i heart you! thanks! it's so fun to BOND with women all over that world...LIVE!
    & then, the fact that we can replay! woohoo!
