Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Dear Tuesday....it's DIY & goal finishing upping!

still not feeling well...have GOT to get better before tomorrow's LIVE web show! (I mean, come on....House of 3 & Silhouette....together? It's Must See Tv! yikes...gotta some OJ down me! LOL.

but...in order to keep with my daily goals, I am getting some fun projects finished...that I started.
they sat.
i looked.
i procrastinated. LOL!

now...they are getting finished up. I love them!
super duper fun & easy.

plates (all sizes, shapes & colors)
goblets (sturdy so they won't tip over)
clear silicone caulking

DIY Steps:
1. Put plate(s) & goblet(s) together to make sure you love it!
2. Follow the 'how to apply caulk' link above & stick 'em together.

mmm...now I just need to go get some real cupcakes from
The Sweet Tooth Fairy! Anyone wanna meet me there?


  1. I hope you do feel better! I will send prayers your way for I too have a cold and I would not miss the show for nothing!! Runny Nose and all. LOL Can't wait till towmorrow night! My friend Lola and I are making a night of it with snacks and computers!! LOL Girls Night!!

  2. Hope you get to feeling better! I am super excited about tomorrow. I thought I was going to miss it because I had movie plans with a girlfriend but she had to cancel and I am so excited. We can always go see the movie another day, after all I have to watch my House of 3 gals! hugs from Conroe, TX!

  3. Love the cake plates! I made some too a while back. http://www.craftynest.com/2008/10/repurposed-cake-stands/ Never thought of using goblets, though. Genius. Sadly, your link to Lowe's "How to apply caulk" is no longer working.

  4. I am a day late on this post but YES, I will meet you for cupcakes.
    PS are you hiring an assistant ;) I need some of your energy, creativity, etc to rub off on me!!

  5. Thanks for the info - I have been wanting to make some of these. I put a little link from my blog to yours. Hope you don't mind!♥
