Saturday, January 2, 2010

::happy twenty ten::

New year.
New decade.
New possibilities.
New excitement!!!!

I do love this time of year. Twenty Ten....makes me so happy!

House of 3 has got something you might be interested in:: A New Year Journey: called Simply Amazing.

the class.
the kit.
the techniques.
the inspiration.
the webshow.

Starts this Wed. 1.06.10.
We'll have more info shortly...but for now, be thinking of how you can make Twenty Ten simply amazing.

For me, personally, I've been thinking a lot about it....following Ali's fab idea, my one little word for this year is:

Read this post for more info & get the FREE download HERE!
so? What will you do to make Twenty Ten simply amazing?


  1. I'm going to strive to make my blog ( an inspiration for other people.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. your new valentines kits are all so yummy... I want to live in them in the computer... just like your little christmas house.
    okay, that doesn't make sense but I love them!! :)

    happy new year loves!

  4. Happy New Year Rhonna! Looks exciting already visiting here!

  5. Thanks for the download. In 2010 I am going to simplify, organize, and create. Happy New Year!

  6. thanks, everyone!
    Olive can do it! love your blog! are so fab...thank YOU!

    Jan, you rock my world!

    Jen, twenty ten WILL be amazing!~

  7. Hi Rhonna, I have been following your blogg for ages, did the recent 21 challenge. Love what you do....My word also this year is Strive, A question I used on my Creative Challenge goalsetting blogg "How do you know what to strive for, if you don't know what your striving for?"~donna L. And my motto this year is "Simply Successful" it was almost "Simply Amazing". So much alike you and me....Bye for now. Check out my blog if you
    see you soon.
    Ill be back...Donna L
