Monday, April 19, 2010

digital designs & at home printing

I have loved answering questions on formspring lately. I do get a lot of the same questions, so if you don't see your question answered, hopefully I've answered it in another person's question.

But, sometimes a question just needs more of an answer than on the
formspring forum. Like some of the biggest questions I get about using House of 3 digital designs:

How do you print?
What kind of printer do you use?
How much ink does it use?
What kinds of papers do you print on?

How do I print? I print at home usually. Part of the creative process I enjoy so much is actually seeing it come out of my printer. I seriously get giddy & do a happy dance when I see it! So, you better believe I've done my fair share of finding the best papers, inks, printers, & experimented with it all!

What kind of printer do I use? My love: my Epson stylus printers! I've had several, but the one I've been using for the past 3 years is the R1800. It's been a dream. I have loved the rich, vibrant colors I get & when I want to print large format I want to sing its praises. When I print regular format, I still sing its praises.
But, alas, I have printed the life out of that baby! It's seen its last days. *mourn* Thankfully,
Epson is having a FABULOUS rebate sale on their R1900. yeeehaw! So, yea, I will continue to print with my fave printer: Epson!!!!

How much ink do I use? Well, for those of you that have purchased my 100 Creativity Exercises & watched the bonus saw how many ink cartridges I had stacked up. That's a common site in my studio! *wink* I was NOT exaggerating! I do a LOT of printing, troubleshooting, experimenting & so I use a LOT of ink! So, for typical use I would say I go through about a new set of cartridges every couple of months. But, to me, it's well worth it!

What kinds of paper do you print on? This is one thing I love about printing at home: the various mediums I can use in my printer with the House of 3 digital designs! From clear sticker paper to transparencies to white sticker paper to heavyweight matte photo paper to fabric papersfine art papers!

Printing at home & House of 3 digital designs go hand in hand. & for my hybrid craftiness, I adore the endless possibilities for printing the digital designs on just about anything that my printer can handle!

What are YOUR favorites about at home printing & House of 3? You might just find someone will *win* some House of 3 wall art! *wink* talk to me, girls! Leave a comment here!


  1. Thank you for sharing the info Rhonna
    PS I am loving your new silhouette designs.

  2. Glad to see the Formspring...had no idea it'd I miss it? Have a great, inspiring week!

  3. Ah, i'm right there with you on the printing at home! It does takes a lot of ink, but it's só nice to be able to get fresh prints whenever you like! Especially when there's HOF3 papers involved, ha! I have a canon 3 in one, but i wish i had a 12 inch printer... but hee, you've got to have something on your wishlist, right?
    Oh, and i think i might need some printable fabric by the looks of it! See if i can find those over here!

  4. Thanks for all the info. I am asking for the r1900 for Mother’s Day!! They should give you one for free for all the “advertising” you are giving them!! Thanks again.

    Pam K

  5. I love everything House of 3...I love the wall art.....went on a ladies retreat this weekend and transformed the room....some of the ladies purchased wall art from Target and I brought my chandiliers from House of 3...ANd guess what.....not only did they love mine from HOF3....but when we were tearing down guess which one we are able to use again and which we had to toss....:)*wink* I owuld love more Hof3 art.....and I LOVE printing all the papers on photo matte saving for an Epson printer..! Happy Monday!!!

  6. I love the instant gratification being able to print the things i just CANNOT live w/o at Houseof3. It sparks my creativity like no other!

  7. the instant gratification of printing at home is great, esp. after janet mentioned printing on presentation paper during one of the webshows. seriously: with printing at home. i was getting really frustrated by how flat and fuzzy printing on cardstock with my inkjet was turning out, but the presentation paper has changed all that! i'm wanting to get some of the fabric paper you've told us about-it looks way fun!

  8. Ok so I live in Wisconsin in the middle of nowhere. I would have to travel and hour just to find somewhere to send something to be printed on actual paper..........So printing at home for me is a must and I love it!!! I just recently experimented with note book paper and the Spring Junque Stickers and I loved it. Try it ladies and for those of you who are lucky enough to own a Silhouette you have it much easier than I do in the cutting out department but I love every minute of it!!! You Rock Rhonna!

    XOXOX Danielle

  9. I have had the R1900 since it came out. Love the quality. It replaced the R1800 which is still sitting on the floor since it's too big to put it anywhere.

    As for printing at home, I like that I can control the quality and colors. I gasped almost in horror when Heidi (took her class a week ago) said she doesn't print at home. Partner in Ho3 and doesn't print at home. You should scold her! Better yet take a few bottles of Glimmer Mist away from her.

  10. I print at home so I can work well into the night. I have been "collecting" papers for a long time and now with HOuse of 3, I am using it:) I even had fabric paper.

  11. I love printing at home because it is quick and when I am in my creative process, I don't want to go somewhere else.
    Theresa B.
    Troy, MI

  12. I love printing at home for instant gratification! However the Epson I have is not a fancy one so I don't really care for the quality of the photos when printed at home. Some are ok but I still like getting them from a true developer. I have been doing lots of printing lately due to the AWESOME HO3 Spring line! LOVE IT SOOOO MUCH! Just ask my hubby *wink


  13. I love home printing for that instant gratification you get at watching your items come out of the printer and I don't have any one House of 3 Favorite I love EVERYTHING

  14. I love printing at home for the convenience of it mostly! I'm able to print out what I need when I'm working on a project! I also love that Hof3 has PDF files so that I can print that out as I am working on a project too! I'm not too PSE7.0 savvy just yet so for me the PDFs work great! My next printer will definately be a large format! I too have an Epson Artison 800 and love it!

  15. I find that I actually do more with my pictures since I started printing at home. I have instand access to things I want to add to my projects so I don't have to wait until I get around to having them printed. Which I might add is one of the things I procrastinate! House of 3 brushes are amazing. I would like to have more.

  16. Thanks for the info. on the printer- I'm not happy with my at home printer and would love to get a new one soon. I too love printing at home- it's instant gratification to create in my studio and to have the ability to just print as I create. I especially love printing on my mini album pages (as journaling) and on my greeting cards. Fabric is also a favorite medium I enjoy printing on- I've created photo albums that I've printed photos onto canvas and use those as the album much you can do :)!

  17. I love printing at home because it is quick and easy. I can make adjustments as needed and not have to worry about back and forth to the printer. I like that I can print house of 3 stuff and start to use right away. I'm like you I get so excited when I see the colors coming out of my printer. Thanks Rhonda. Got the Creative Exercises and can't wait to start.

  18. I love being able to print all day and all night, whenever I want. I also love being able to print different sizes and not have to keep telling the printer to go smaller or go bigger.
    I will definitely be looking into the Epson R1900!

  19. Thanks for the info. Apparently I don't use my printer like I could...

  20. It was not until I began downloading and printing the HO3 designs did I realize how much I love printing at home. When you have awesome product to work with, you are more apt to utilize the many uses of that product. I have printed more in the last few months than ever before. I have jumped on the hybrid wagon by working with downloads and incorporating them into my pictures and projects. LOL, my printer has become the haven of my art. Well, not completely but it's really close. My printer has given me sooooo many new avenues and mediums to work with. I mean, printable fabric for example. WOW the possibilities are endless. I too will be using my printer more and more. If it can be printed on I will try it!! I'm excited to learn more about the Epson R1900. This seems like a fabulous printer to continue my creative journey!!

  21. With limited access to supplies, I can download papers and fonts from House of 3 and complete a project without leaving home! They are to die for!!! And, creating projects from home allows me to print at the last minute...really handy when making favors for a church event or teen retreat. ;) Thanks for answering questions on home printing!

  22. What's my favorite??!! HA! Hands down... the fact that it's usually 9pm when I decide to purchase a download and do a project;) So the convenience of hitting that print button and having it in my hand about 30 seconds later has me doing my happy dance!! Thank you Rhonna for sharing all your beautiful ideas and designs with us! Love, LOVE, love them!

  23. Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge with us -- you are a great mentor. EVERYTHING about HO3 printing is my favorite. It is wonderful to have these fabulous images right on my computer to print anytime I want(if I have INK)--I do print out a lot and make cards, papers. You 3 girls really inspire us. Thanks

  24. Printing at home is fairly new to me. Our last printer died right as I started printing at home. Our new printer that we got for free, sucks the ink right out of the cartridge. I'm talking a cartridge a month, and I don't print that much either. I'm definitely going to check into an Epson printer since I've never tried one.

    My favorite thing about house of 3 is the COLORS! Every time I wander to one of the sights connected with House of 3 I'm instantly cheered up seeing all the color.

  25. I have just learned about HO3 and I think the images are amazing and just my style. This post has def helped me understand the process and what to use. I cant wait to actually start printing and getting my creativity flowing again. Thanks

  26. I love printing at home because it fits my schedule rather than someone elses. Thanks for all the time you spend helping us!

  27. The fact that I can have an "I CAN DO THAT" moment and print out whatever and whenever I want... that is a favorite thing of mine! We can shop with HO3 anytime and have our products right then and there- without leaving home (or our computer chair!) You guys are great! Keep up the good work and lovin' those videos!!!
    Have a great evening and Happy Scrappin'
    Lisa H. in Arkansas

  28. Ok so I actually despise printing at home. But that is definitely our printer's fault. It is just an old 3 in one and it has crazy 3/4 inch header margins which CANT be changed. So I use Costco a lot. But if I did have a nice printer at home I would more than likely buy some more digital paper. And try fabric paper for sure.

  29. I almost always print at home...i love my epson and canon printers. When i figure the cost of ink divided by how many prints i get compared to cost of prints and gas to go several times it is all about the same...I love printing House of 3 and cutting with my silhouette....

  30. I love to print at home for the convenience. I really need a new printer though, mine hasn't been printing very well

  31. i too love my epson printers. mine is also on it's last leg after years of heavy use! i'm hoping for the r1900 myself. the ink usage is a bummer but i totally agree- it's so worth it! i love to print out my photos whenever i want, along with my Ho3 background papers and my absolute fave thing is sticker paper for all the Ho3 printables- they make awesome embellies!

  32. I love House of 3! Printing the papers @ home is so convenient!

  33. i love printing my house of 3 digital at home also, but what I love most about your art is adding to it and making it personal. Im so addicted to digital. not enough hours in the day. just need to retrie.

  34. Love printing at home all my house of 3 digital. Im so addicted!

  35. I print at home..I need instant in the middle of the night who wants to drive to kinkos!
    I have an hp laser printer...which is fabulous.. she is a big girl..but I love her..and actually I don't have to replace the ink that often...but it is $$$..great color and clarity.. and an ink jet I use for photos..when my current ink jet goes to heaven I am going to replace it with an epson...
    Thanks for all the great designs!

  36. I love how versatile Ho3 stuff really is. I've enjoyed learning how to create my own things. I'm ready to get a new printer...and my husband said i might just be getting one from Mother's Day. Lucky me!

  37. love to print anytime, day or night!!!

  38. INSTANT gratification!thats why I love to print at home with my new epson printer!! LOve the color this printer delivers...yeah baby!

  39. Instant gratification! And, I don't have to argue with the people at printing stores about whether or not I CAN print something that I purchased...I have had a couple of issues with Ho3 stuff not having a personal use release on some pages. I know I bought it, so I know I can print it, but they are coming down pretty strictly on copyrighted stuff (as well they should.)

  40. okay so here is my story...i *love* printing at home...i think it is (singing) *AWESOME*!!!

    i have 4 young kids at home and we have 1 vehicle and my hubby works alot so if i want some new paper or embellishments i can;t just *go* to the store...SO i LOVE this! new paper and fun stuff is at my fingertips....well sort of...i don't have a printer at home but my parents have one and so when i go over there (which is often) i use up their ink, and print print print! in the last 4 months i have gone through like 200 pieces of cardstock in their printer ;)

    the only thing that could make it better was if i had a printer at home and it was 12x12!

    so i *LOVE* EVERYTHING about printing at home!

  41. I love the flexibility of digital downloads, you can print out really small to embelish cards or print out as large as your printer can go to embelish scrapbook pages. You can also print out to decorate the house or you don't have to print out at all and use it all digitally. I'm having hours of fun with house of 3 stuff.

  42. I love printing at home. As long as I have printer ink, I have paper. I have been printing your Haute couture pink series from House of 3 a lot. I love it. The best thing is I am not afraid to use it because I can print more ( I have to admit, sometimes I just save my beautiful paper because it is too pretty to mess up or use).

  43. I am a convert and do most of my printing at home. I, too, am lucky enough to have an Epson R1800...luv it :)

    I enjoy the options that I have with HO3 products. Sometimes I print on white cardstock and then punch out or cut out the designs to use on my LO. But I also enjoy the digi creative process as well. Am still in a learning curve but definately enjoy HO3.


  44. I love printing at home because it can be done at ANYTIME!!!! House of 3 gives me so much creative inspiration!!!! I want one of everything!!!

  45. I love printing at home. I can print, what and when I like. No waiting in line, no waiting on mailman. I love being able to print in whatever size suits me at the moment, and if thats not right, being able to do it again ! Hit me up with Hof3 !!

  46. Rhonna loved your video tutorials and this helped so much thanks for the info. I love your designs.
