Friday, April 16, 2010

*a*! It's already Friday????

Ok. Did you think I had checked out?
I've been a little MIA this week. please forgive me, bloggers! So many things are going down, let me tell you.
& every. single. thing is just so exciting. Can't wait to share each little tidbit as things begin to 'bloom'.

Had so much fun on Wednesday for the 1st in a series of 3 Live Webshows about Silhouette & House of 3. Check out the recorded show HERE to see what we made & will be showing for the other shows!

Sparkin it up with Margie & Liz!

Lots going on & we'll be opening the registration in 2 short weeks! Get ready!

and..speaking of Margie....LOOK at her interview at Moxie Fab World! *wow* so humbled by her mention of lil ol' me! *blush* thanks, love! You know you inspire ME, too!

And...I wanted to share this fab rebate deal going on over at Epson! check it out! It's for the R1900 large format printer! I have LOVED my R1800 printer & highly recommend Epsons! I've been using them for years & am so happy with them!

happy shopping! & happy weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Had so much fun Wednesday night! You are so adorable and full of spunk! You truly are fun to watch on the show and it's always a treat when you are on with Heidi! Looking forward to getting my ticket to Spark and coming to meet YOU my sweet friend! *hugs, hugs and more hugs!
