Wednesday, April 7, 2010

one day might be today!

My mom is a dream at the sewing machine. I remember late nights hearing the whir of the machine going while she was stitching away creating something magical for us. ..and I thought: one day I'll do that!

My sister followed in her shoes & sews up pillows, costumes, & all sorts of wonderful snippets! day I might be able to do that.

My youngest sister is just plain a*mazing in everything she does...she's our
stylist. So she calls the shots & tells us what fabric, textures, colors, clothes, home accessories, etc. will look best & we just do what she says...she has SUCH an 'eye'. and, yet again: one day, I want to do that.

Well, I've discovered that every person has their own recipe of becoming who we are...but, we need to try. And as we try new things, we discover the special ingredients to our own recipe.

Lately, I've discovered a new ingredient in my own recipe...not in the same ways as my mom & sisters, but in my own lil' way. I'm not a typical seamstress, and that's OK>

This new ingredient is: Printable Fabric. It enables me to play with fabric in my own way.... & my love for printing out my designs on printable fabric & playing with it is exciting to me. I've dabbled in making rolled fabric flowers & my latest love: these House of 3 Spring Junque Fabric banners!


I printed them off on a really cool canvas printable fabric & then cut them out with pinking shears...sewed them onto this bias tape & voila! I'm a happy girl who feels like this is the day that fabric & I are friends! LOL!....
so, don't judge me.

...just let me be happy with my small accomplishments in my adventures in fabric! Today is the day! for YOU! Try something NEW. Something that might be a different spin on they typical way of doing it. Create your own recipe for becoming who you are doing something different!

and...enjoy your pRocess!


  1. Lovely banner and wonderful post! And it sounds like your momma must be one proud lady to have so many talented daughters! *hugs from conroe, tx!

  2. Oh, Rhonna! You are such an inspiration...everyday I look forward to your blog to get me revved up for the day ahead...thank you so much!

  3. had to laugh! thanks for the compliment. i can't believe it's FABRIC!!! it looks so cool. woohoo for you and sewing with fabric YOU actually MADE!!! that must be a rush to have seen it through all of the stages. conception, design, print, sew!! you're sew cool. ;)

  4. Love your project Rhonna! Your sewing is just perfect!

    Elaine Allen

  5. The banner is beautiful,
    I am obsess with fabric printing too. I love to create a design and see it on a piece of fabric. Keep doing your "sewing" it great!


  6. Really love this. I am making one out of plain ol' paper - and such a shame as it gets destroyed in no time at all.

  7. This is amazing! I love making banners (digiscrapping) but have never tried printable fabric! How cool is that? I LOVE your banner, it just screams "SPRING!"

  8. Thank you Rhonna, I needed that! BEAUTIFUL banner--just so lovely!

  9. so exciting about printable fabric! love your tender little thoughts about your family. thanks for sharing :)

  10. Adorable banner!! That is exciting to be able to print your designs on fabric. I found and someday I will design my own fabric. It's a been a dream of mine!!

  11. Love the spring designs and the banners you have created...have you ever considered adding a gallery to your website? I would LOVE to see what others are doing with your digital downloads. CW

  12. Oh, GREAT idea! Love it! I haven't thought beyond the paper banner. (wanna see? Than you can check the lastest post on my blog!)
    Must find some printable fabric, if they sell that over here that is!

  13. looks like a winner to me!! anything to spur on our creativity...

  14. that looks so lovely, rhonna! i am constantly amazed at all you CAN do!! love you!

  15. rhonna,
    all of your ideas you shared this week have been fabulous! i love them all. i thought when you posted this photo of the banner a few days ago that it looked like fabric-so fun!

    i made your coffee filter flowers yesterday-i love how they turned out and you were right, so easy!

    enjoy the week away with your family!

  16. This banner is so pretty, you are so creative and inspiring.

  17. hi rhonna! what a beautiful project! good for you...marie
