Tuesday, May 31, 2011

cReativity exeRcises>>>DIY No Sew Ruffles

Whenever I get cReative, I always feels uplifted & inspired.  But, sometimes it's hard to get in the groove of the 'inspired' part...ya know? That's why I NEED my daily cReativity exeRsises!

So, a couple of days ago, when I reached into my 100 Creativity Exercises Jar..I pulled out the prompt: 

I have this project going on with re-purposing all of the plethora of throw pillows I have. & decided the 'new creative technique' I was going to use was...
+with fabric hot glue+ 
that was cReative, right?

I picked up these Fabric Glue Gun sticks, cut strips of raw cotton fabric, & glued them (pinching as I went along) to create ruffles....
I don't have the whole makeover complete yet...but, I'm LOVING the results of the cReative ExeRsises with my DIY NO-SEW ruffle pillows!
photos to come!

*ahhhhh*  love getting cReative...

so? what are YOU doing to get cReative today?

one thing we learn in the Creativity Workshop is, getting creative isn't always something crafty....it involves something as small as 1 min. + to exercise your creative muscle!

p.s. go on over to Shimelle's site to sign up for one of her classes. TODAY ONLY she's donating 100% to a great cause: 

If you've never taken one of her classes...they are FAB!!! Today is the day to sign up!

Monday, May 30, 2011

monday makeoveR>>>blog design

new look. new mantra. new chapter.

I love Mondays.
I love makeoveRs.
& I've got lots of makeovers-in-progress goings on....so, I thought I'd share my pRojects with you...
lots of you have been asking questions about my tweets & facebook posts about my 
pillow makeover, 
closet makeover, 
marathon training >> HUGE *me* makeover, 
gluten free recipes, 

So...this is a perfect place to start...
& since school is out this week & I'll be doing lots of projects around the house... 
Mondays will be my time to share! 
sound good? ya in?

obviously...it's a blog makeover.
I've got some fun things in the works..but, they are slow going...like me, these days! *grin*
But, I do have my new logo: these cute hot air balloons...
 & my tag line:

*ideas to uplift & inspire*

was totally inspired by the concept of 'uplifting' things...notice birds, butterflies, bees, hot air balloons, kites...you get it...*smile*

This is my mantra these days...there's far too much negativity going on right now...It's time to focus on the positive things...surrounding ourselves with people, things, ideas, feelings & thoughts that

So, whenever you stop by my blog, I hope the feeling you get here is just that...uplifting & inspiring.
We are all in this together & when we build uplifting & inspiRing communities & friendships....the negativity will go out the window!

This blog is certainly a work in pRogress, but I'm enjoying the pRocess & little by little it will all come together...& it will take me into my new chapter!
hope you enjoy & stop by to be uplifted & inspiRed!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

new fRame woRKs kit blog special!

After many many requests for these frames I've been using on my blog...I got them all together & created a fab kit for you!

...the fRame woRks kit...

Kit includes:
14 photo overlay frames  (7 designs in both high resolution & low resolution)
file type: PNG

All are different sizes, but range from 8" to 4" depending on the design.
The kit includes 7 frames that are 300 dpi & can be printed or used in your high resolution projects!
AND, I also included the same frames in 72 dpi that are perfect for your blogs, online, etc.

Ok, so....3 things:

1. These elements are offered in colored PNG format, which means the files are 'transparent' underneath. Simply drag, drop & resize your photos to fit these fab frames....you will LOVE them!

2. Click the BUY NOW button below, it will take you to PayPal & you can use your own PayPal OR a credit card to pay for it.  As soon as I receive payment, I'll send you the link to download the zipped file.

3. These are for Personal Use ONLY. If you are interested in purchasing a Commercial License, just email me!

This kit is no longer available on the blog. Please go to Rhonna Designs store to purchase.

WINNER of the $100 Cricut gift ceRtificate is....

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Congrats Laura....on winning the $100 GC from Cricut.com! Send me your info so Provo Craft can get your prize to you! 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

bcharmed BIG BASH BOUTIQUE No. 1

Calling all Santa Maria, CA locals!!!! The first of the 10 bcharmed 
big bash boutiques is being 
hosted by

Here's the info:

 so....get ready....these boutiques are going to be sooo cool! you will LOVE this stuff. trust me!

Friday, May 20, 2011

fabric flower goodness....

 +photo by Collin Kartchner   frame by me+
Lotsa questions. lotsa questions.

I've had so many people asking about the flower I had in my hair at Liz's birthday party!
*blush blush* thanks, girls!
& the tweet/facebook post about my juxtaposition of raw linen & soft pompom flower I was wearing. 
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Ok..I can tell you this:
I made it with the same technique that I used HERE in my felt flower tutorial. Scroll down to see the HUGE flower technique.
And HERE for the order form for the tutorial.

I made it with heavy linen, instead of the felt as shown in the tutorial & kit.  I hafta say...it is my fave Spring flower right now...I am wearing it with everything!
I've also made some with burlap & muslin...MMMM...LOVE the raw-ness of them!
I'm wearin' them
in my hair.
on a belt.
with a sweater.
clustered corsages... you know...my favorite flower adornments! *grin*

So...after much asking & requesting, I'm adding an ADD-ON Fabric Flower kit that will include enough materials to create 3 HUGE flowers:
heavy linen
huge clip backs
felt circle backers
all to create very fab HUGE flowers to cluster with other sweet treats you have.
I'm so into the raw linen, muslin or burlap juxtaposed with the softness of the singed satin or crepe flowers shown HERE.
ooh la la!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

WIN $100 from Cricut.com

Provo Craft is proud to announce the launch of the Official Cricut Blog sponsored by the Cricut Circle! This all new blog will go live, tomorrow, Thursday, May 19, 2011 and we want you to be a part of the celebration!
The Official Cricut Blog will introduce artists and crafters to the benefits of the Cricut Circle. It will showcase inspiring projects designed by the Cricut Circle Design Team and provide a central location to receive announcements, promotions and updates on everything Cricut, directly from Provo Craft.

The Official Cricut Blog sponsored by the Cricut Circle will feature the following:
·         Inspirational projects using your favorite Cricut machines. The Imagine, Expression, Cricut Cake, Cuttlebug, Yudu and more.
·         Hello Thursday Cartridge announcements.
·         Educational videos and tutorials directly from Provo Craft.
·         Occasional sneak peeks into the exclusive Cricut Circle Community.
·         Access to the latest Cricut.com deals.
·         And much, much more!


One of YOU, my bloggers, will win $100 gift certificate on Cricut.com.  
1. become a follower of the Official Cricut Blog.
2. comment HERE on my blog (as many times as you want) by Sunday, May 22nd at midnight.
cool, huh? ok...ready, set. GO!


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

courage to start....marathon training

It's official.
We've signed up. 
got our hotel.
and...the marathon training begins. I'm not in it to get sub 3 or anything...just to finish...
just to have the courage to start this training program & do it!

This is something that scares me so much...but, I've always wanted to do this... & I was sooo motivated by this quote by Jillian Michaels
"Every human being has the ability to transform any weakness or suffering into strength, power, perfect peace, health & abundance."

so...bring it
I've mustered up the courage...don't know if I'll still have it at mile 20...LOL..but, I'm doing it!!!!
your challenge today: pick something (anything) that scares you & do it...you have the ability to transform it into power!

&...speaking of Jillian...I'm so excited for tonight's episode of The Biggest Loser....talk about inspiring!

Monday, May 16, 2011


Balance is a tricky thing in my life. I've always focused on my family & really try to not let *anything* get in the way of that...but, 
I have a tendency to go full speed ahead on a creative project & let the laundry pile up. 
Or I get into a mind set & focus on my spirituality while I neglect my housework.
Or I get on a big health kick & I cut out going to lunch w/ my friends.

All of those things are good things...great, in fact...but finding the 'better part' is so tricky for me...
always has been.

So...I've been really trying to work on balance in my life.
in my head.
in my home.
in my heart.
You know....Balance my mental, physical, spiritual & emotional parts of my life....& find the beauty in that. 

A lot of my goals are really hitting home. I love re-prioritizing & making sure I'm not getting out of balance....feels good.
...scary sometimes, but good.

I've found fly lady to be extremely helpful in getting things in order around my house. Especially this 15 min. declutter exercise. Love the balance it brings to my home!

I took (& finished) a 100 day challenge to read my favorite book: the Book of Mormon....finished it this past week. *peace* It means so much to me & really gives me the boost I need for my soul & spirit! This is one thing I can NOT let get out of balance. It's so important to me...it makes me who I am.

Emotionally, I'm taking time to spend quality time with my friends...at times, I've gotten 'so busy' (& then got too sick) that I let that important part of my life get out of balance. It's so essential to my balance...I'm re-prioritizing & making time for girl time!

so now....my physical balancing act. I'm happy to say that after going to my dr. since January, 4 months later...I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. The sacrifices I've been making are all starting to help! *whew* I've said it before, but I will NEVER take my health for granted again! Good health. ahhhh. it's nice to see you again!

Today, I'm finding the beauty in balance. It's so important to re-evaluate your life every now & again...to make sure your priorities are where they should be! & make the appropriate changes.

So, the question today is:
Are you finding the beauty in balance?
do tell.

You are....

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Remember this today....
I've got a big goal I want to accomplish & I'm getting cold feet....this is a reminder for me, too! 
Here's to a day where we ALL remember this:

we are capable.
we can do & become
MORE...if we just have faith in ourselves.

Who's with me?
Ya ready to take it on?
me, too!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

lots of catch up, please...

Do you ever feel that way? I have so many wonderful things that have been going on...& I will never get a chance to blog them..I'm sure. So, I just needed to STOP today & remember the good times. oy!

But rather than getting overwhelmed, paralyzed & discombobulated...I'll focus on 1 thing today:

Mother's Day...it was divine! 

I was treated like a queen...Jeff is so so good to me...have I said how much I adore him? well, I do. I love him so much. He made me some gluten free cake bites that were deeeeeeevine! 
And our kids were amazing, too...so thoughtful & my prezzies were all from the heart. I loved it.
We went to church & had a wonderful morning...but, then I got home & got sick. yea. NOT fun.
I did get to talk to my mom on the phone & tell her how much I love her & appreciate her...& of course, I cried. Mother's Day does that to me, I guess...& expressing from my heart how thankful I am for the kind of mom I have...she really is so amazing. 

 Hoping you all got to enjoy the free printables I gave you for Mother's Day! And from the looks of it...over 2,000 of my mother friends downloaded them! yea!!!! 
Have a happy Tuesday..I've got a little goodie for you tomorrow! See you then! 
p.s.  Are you LOVING the new Pinterest iPhone app? I AM!!!! too much, I might add! but, it does make me creatively happy! If you'll notice...you can add a 'pin it' to any image on your blog...so, feel free to PIN my word art..I love seeing how many of you have pinned & say such sweet things! hugs!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

You don't have to be perfect....

....You just have to be your best.

This was the overall message to me...I loved this. 
Such peace
It just resonated in my soul when I heard Julie B. Beck say this during Women's Conference last week. 
It's true.
We, as women tend to be so hard on ourselves...& there's no reason to be!
be kind to yourself!

We try to measure up to everyone else...yet, we are missing the whole point: to be & do our best. OUR own best. Not someone else's.

So many messages spoke to me...& I hope they uplift & inspire you, too!
took a few instagrams during our 2 days...

So....I wanted to share some of my faves:

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The only person you need to be better than, is the person you were yesterday. -Barbara Thompson
People w/ a goal succeed because they know where they are going. Write down your goals. Keep them in sight.
What's the difference between mud puddles & geysers? ENTHUSIASM! Choose to be enthusiastic in all that you do. You WILL see success! 
Identity. Testimony. Spirit. Example. Desire...Become. - Mary Cook 
Make it a priority to 'be still' everyday. Listen. Stop. Prioritize. Then the things we need to do become clear.
We can recognize our weaknesses, but don't wallow or glory in them. 
It's important to know of your heritage. This will add clarity to your identity. Who you are..what you are capable of. You are strong!
You are capable of doing & becoming more than you realize. Have faith in yourself.
Each of us has a different story; but in the end, we are made to be happy. Choose to be happy.
Are you the real YOU? Or a distorted vision of YOU? it's time for change to be the YOU, you are meant to be.
Beauty & Motherhood are one. - Stephanie Nielson
See the strength in yourself. Look through God's eternal lens at WHO YOU ARE!
 It's all about LOVE. We can't control who loves us, but we can control who we love. Share the love. - Bridgette Server
 The Conference was simply amazing. So many words of inspiration...I came home just flying high! re-focused. ready. & have made some new, exciting goals. I feel un-stoppable! I hope it will last! *grin*  So, Happy Tuesday & make it your best day ever!