Thursday, January 24, 2013

A heart full of gRatitude...Compendium's A Year Of Gratitude Kit GIVEAWAY

We are 4 weeks into 2013. How are you doing on your 'resolutions'? Remember when I blogged about A Year of Gratitude kit? 

Well....I'm giving away 3 of these kits on Instagram....go HERE to LIKE the photo & let me know why YOU need it! I'll be picking 3 winners and Compendium Books will be sending the kit to YOU!

I'm loving it! I've already given out 4 of my Thank You's to people that mean so much to me...that I am so grateful for! And guess what? I've received one, too! From a dear blogger friend who has become a REAL LIFE friend! She saw my post, bought a kit & is doing it this year, too! That just made my have no idea! 

So....go ahead & enter...on Monday I'll be announcing 3 lucky winners! And YOU can be a part of Compendium's Year of Gratitude Thankful Project!
Happy Weekend!

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