Tuesday, January 8, 2013

cReative Team Tuesday AND a super exciting announcement from Maggie Holmes for CHA

Happy Tuesday! I'm so excited to share a few things from my cReative Team...as you know we just released 5 NEW Insta Lovin' fonts separate and in a bundle!  & the team has been blowing up Instagram w/ their amazing examples of HOW to use these fun new fonts!
 Run on over to Instagram & FOLLOW these girls...because they are sure to uplift & inspire you w/ each of their posts!

and....drum roll please...I'm sooo excited to share some news from my sweet, talented, gorgeous, amazing friend, MAGGIE HOLMES!

Guess what? She has teamed up with a fab scrapbook co. called Crate Paper for her own signature line!

 If you know Maggie...you KNOW her fabulous style! 

This is SO Maggie! Tons of gorgeous florals, glitter, gold, vintage cameras and bows! You for sure want to see this product line!
so...how about a sneak peek?

Isn't it scrumptious? Want to see more!? Well, Maggie's got a huge blog hop going today...
The next person on the hop is:

Be sure to check out all the blogs on the hop and then make your way to Maggie’s blog because she is giving away the ENTIRE COLLECTION to one lucky winner!! Good luck!

In case you want to start at the first...here's the  Blog Hop Order:

Ali Edwards        
Dawn McVey            
Julie Campbell                
Lisa Truesdell               
Marcy Penner                

HUUUGe congrats, Maggie...LOVE YOU & so so happy for you! 

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