Thursday, January 3, 2013

A Year Of Gratitude

1 Year. 12 Months. 52 Weeks. 365 Days.  What will YOU do with your today? With the clean slate that we've been given at this time of year, I LOVE thinking of new ways to be better.  I am so excited about this new kit from Compendium books!  It's called: A Year of Gratitude.

It's an amazing little kit. You open it up to see this! 52 blank Thank You cards with cute gold envies & a little Journal that has blank sheets, but also takes you through prompts that really bring out the gratitude.

I love this quote on the inside of the box: 
"Each act of gratitude starts a ripple of kindness that begins with you & reaches further than you can imagine.  Every letter you write adds joy to the world, so take out your pen & begin."

I LOVE the colors, love the fonts & designs & LOVE this entire concept. It goes perfectly with my One Little Word & One Little Goal concept for 20.thirteen.
I love these steps outlined in the journal:
1. Start noticing and listing the things you are grateful for.
2. Include things you normally take for granted.
3. Keep track of the thank-you notes you send each week.
4. Write down the ways that your life changes.
With each of these steps, it takes you a bit further & really makes you think about it.

Then, the journal has different sections about: 
1.What makes a good thank-you note.
-which I LOVE! 
2. People I'm grateful for this year.
3. Some thoughts on living everyday as a thank-you.
4. sections with different 'gratitude' quotes that are so lovely!
I'm looking forward to taking the steps to be everything I do.  
And, even though I feel like I am grateful...this focus throughout the year will make me stronger. It will help me be strong in my focus, time, & sharing as I write personal little thank-yous!
Gone are the days of personal correspondance & I think this is just so heartfelt.'ll be hearing about my experience here each week! 
I'm off to begin!

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