Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year! One Little Word & One Little Goal

twenty. thirteen. In an instant!

it's here. & I'm ready for it! I look forward to what this year has in store for me...but, I also recognize that I have to do a LOT of work in order to make it the year I want it to be! I have a sweet friend, Ali, who introduced the concept of choosing One Little Word -many years ago!.... and I do it every year. Last year my word was 'savor'....& it was just what I needed! After being so sick & feeling like my life was just me going through survival mode...going through the motions...I realized I needed to savor every little good, bad & ugly bits of my life...it's my life after all.  

Well, as I look back at 2012, I see that I DID savor. I savored every bit...& as a result, the word grew in my heart & life until I'm actually feeling a bit better. I feel hope & I can feel a regeneration of my body, heart, soul & mind!

So....this year's word is: STRONG!
This past weekend, I had a cReative retreat w/ some dear dear friends. We laughed, cried, created & shared...& I came home feeling so ready to take on twenty.thirteen.  We made leather cuffs w/ our words on them.  I  made 2 in fact (this one (neutral, raw leather & another one: white pearl shimmer) ....both with STRONG stamped into them! I'm seriously loving this. wearing it every day to remind me I need to be STRONG in everything I do.

My approach to New Year's Resolutions has evolved.  I've had years where I just feel overwhelmed w/ that word: resolution...& I don't even feel like I can do it for fear of failure. But...I've found something that works!  .
...an approach to my One Little Word that takes it even a bit further w/ 
One Little Goal. & it makes me happy!

You see, w/ my One Little Word in mind....I take it day by day. I figure...I can DO that! *wink*
I look at my 'to-do' list that I have...because we always have one- every day, right? 
I choose ONE thing that I"m going to do anyway & I focus on my approach to that task or experience w/ my One Little Word...this year: STRONG.

For instance, I know I will need to fix a meal for my family, or do carpool, or have a conversation w/ a family member or friend, or go to the grocery store, or reply to emails, or design, or work out...you get the jist, right?
If I take ONE task & do it with strength...I will get stronger everyday. 
I started this last year...& decided that even if I was in pain, in bed or whatever..i STILL had to do certain things..so I chose ONE thing I was doing already & savored it!

It works.
I saw it.
I felt it.
I loved it!

so....this year...I will be doing that, too! My One Little Word will go hand in hand w/ my One Little Goal.

and....I'm excited to share some NEW Insta fonts this week...they go hand in hand w/ goals & will enhance your photos!

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