Friday, January 4, 2013

New Insta Lovin' Fonts are UP! PLUS: Rhonna's Instagram Tips

Happy New Year! I love a clean slate! And I've been creating some fun NEW Insta Lovin' Fonts for you to ring in the New Year!

Each are $10 each w/ the bonus of the .ABR brush files & black PNG files! 
But, we've got them bundled up for you w/ a savings: all 5 *new* Insta Lovin' fonts & stamps for only $40! Let's take a closer look!
The New Year = a New You, right? Well, I've got 26 uplifting & inspiring designs to get you on your road to keeping your goals during 20.thirteen!

I adore this new Insta Goals kit...keeps me on my toes already! fun, motivating designs for your photos, personal blog, or print out for personal use to keep you uplifted & inspired!

And how about some POP! With Insta Pop, you can add 26 different design elements for just the right look!  

Ready for Valentine's Day? Well, Insta KISS will get you in the mood!  26 super charming designs you will fall in love with!  ** watching for my NEW Kiss collection next week! Perfectly coordinated with last year's Kiss Me collection, but with a little modern & hip kick!

And, last but not've seen my hand written chalkboard art,  I thought the next best thing would be to have Insta Chalk Art for you! This font & stamp kit has 26 pre-designed chalkboard art quotes that are sure to uplift & inspire!

The Insta Chalk Art is just for those who want to add their own words! This font & stamp kit comes w/ banners, words & flourishes that let YOU be the designer!

Enjoy your New Year, New You & New Insta Lovin' fonts! Be watching for more information on the NEW Kiss Collection release as well as Rhonna's NEW online Instagram classes!

And, as's a little Instagram tip using my Insta Lovin' fonts!
When you are using the Insta Fonts in the free app: PHONTO, you will find that it will only allow you to size the fonts to a certain point. This can be frustrating if you want your font to be bigger.'s a little tip:
1. Open up your high rez photo in PHONTO.

2. Type your letter. Here, I've typed the capital letter "I" w/ the Insta Chalk Art Font.

You will note it's small, yet this is the biggest I can make it in Phonto. SO:

3. Save at the highest resolution.
Then, open up the app PicFX.
THIS is where you will crop it. 
NOTE: Not all apps are created equal. If you don't have Picfx, find an app that will crop it w/o making it blurry!

4. Add light effects in Pic fx like I did here...I actually added 2 light effects by tapping on the stacked papers w/ the + so I could add this next effect:

save in the highest resolution & voila! You've got your fonts larger than Phonto will allow them! cool, huh?

So, now open up Instagram & upload to your feed!
Be sure to keep up on Instagram for more of my #RhonnasInstagramTips
& Nancy Wyatt, one of my fab cReative Team Members, has a great vimeo tutorial on Phonto!

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