Sunday, March 31, 2013

Celebrate...Easter & LDS YW Broadcast

Such a wonderful girls & I were able to go to the LDS YW Broadcast...I loved every minute  of it...

such a great preparation for Easter Sunday...I was simply in spiritual heaven...fed & uplifted & felt so gRateful for my Savior! as a Mormon, or member of the LDS Church,  I am a Christian and believe in Jesus Christ with all my heart. HE is the one that gives me happiness, strength & the ability to do everything I do. 
Easter Sunday was filled with happiness & love surrounded by family & the knowledge that Christ Lives...He is Risen! HappY Easter to all!

Monday, March 25, 2013

The {21} Challenge.....week 3!

Ok...this is IT! The light is at the end of the tunnel! The {21} Challenge is almost done...finished....complete!  
Seriously...this 2nd week was the hardest & YOU DID IT!!!! *We CAN do hard things, right?*
EAch day, we have learned something new, don't you think? I'm LOVING this new adventure I'm on!
No matter how hard this is....I'm learning to 'create my own sunshine' w/ this journey!

See these 'torturous' things? yea...I go visit them at Lyceum at Brick Canvas. & let me tell you....this has been SUCH an amazing journey...I'm LOVING these workouts! If you are in Utah...check them out! I've recruited 2 friends already *wink*...can you say BRAVE girls?** And, I'd LOVE to see you there! (no, I am not getting anything to talk about them...hee heee...) I'm just fully LOVING it & wanted to share! Trish & Jesse are FULLY MOTIVATING & this is what I needed to get my body back in gear after being so sick & NOT able to move!

 So, as this says...I didn't stop dreaming of being healthy, but I started DOING too!  I'm LOVING the way it pushes me! I still hurt, don't get me wrong. But, it's hard to explain. With Fibromyalgia it is always about pain, but I feel a degenerative pain everyday that can be depressing. With this TRX training we do at Lyceum, it still hurts, and I'm still in pain...BUT, it's more of a 'i-did-something-really-difficult' hurt! ya know? takes EVERYTHING I've got. Every. Day. Seriously...this is NOT for the faint of heart! LOL!

 Each day these quotes have helped me CRUSH through the brick wall. We all hit it, I know. But, we don't have to let it stop us! We CAN climb over it & crush it!

But, one thing I've felt and am hearing from some 21ers is: 'I feel like I'm sabotaging myself'....right? I know it sounds crazy. You think: I'm doing this great thing for 21 days, but for some reason...sometimes we do this crazy thing called: holding ourselves back. Either because the work it takes scares us, or we don't have confidence in ourselves, or we don't feel like we are WORTH it to give it our all...but, it's time to STOP! We are all meant to shine...we ARE worth it and we CAN do it!

And, it's a good good day to be AMAZING! Right? We have 1 more week. Here's to giving it our ALL! 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Rhonna's Chalkboard Cheer Spring Art Workshop Online

It's LIVE!

I'm sooo excited about this! My NEW Chalk aRt Workshop is up on my site! HERE is the Chalkboard Workshop video WITH the Spring Art bundle.

Here's the description of this Video Workshop !! NO BRUSH FILES (.ABR) ARE INCLUDED IN THIS BUNDLE !
This includes instructions and the password to access Rhonna's ONLINE Chalkboard Cheer Spring Art Workshop!!
An internet connection will be needed to view the workshop on We are working on integrating the Workshops onto our site. Until then, they can be accessed & viewed with the password given in the Welcome page & the Vimeo email.
Also includes all 10 of her unique handlettered chalkboard Cheer Spring aRt!
Kit Description:   10 8x10 300 DPI JPG files of each chalkboard art design by Rhonna.
Print out at 100% on white card stock or matte photo paper and frame OR get creative & print out smaller for cute chalkboard Spring projects, cards or stickers!
**NOTE: These are the SAME designs offered in the online Chalkboard Cheer Art Workshop!

You can also purchase the actual Spring Art Printables (all 10 designs in JPG printables)

AND as a Spring Art Digital Brush kit. (all 10 designs in .ABR brush format w/ a BONUS blank chalkboard background.)
So much fun, I can't even stand's hoping to an uplifting and inspiring journey into your Chalkboard art world!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

chalkboard art time lapse

Now, you know either love it or hate it...well....HOPING all goes well w/ the technology gods today....& if ONLINE Chalkboard Art class will be up on Rhonna Designs tonight! get you excited, here's a fun time lapse they filmed whilst I was cReating!

Be sure to sign up for the Rhonna Designs Newsletter, because that is where we will announce it SOON as the Online Chalkboard Art class is LIVE!

Monday, March 18, 2013

cReative Team Tuesday....chalkboard aRt

Ok...sharing some fun fun things today for cReative Team's  All about Rhonna Designs Chalkboard aRt! First off: tomorrow is a VERY exciting day!

1. It's my next LIVE Chalkboard Art class at Thanksgiving Point. There are a few spots available. Simply call: 801.768.2300 to reserve your spot! It's my ALL NEW Spring Chalk art class including THE coolest chalkboard, all the tools you need, my tips/tricks & tons of fun! $50. go HERE!

2. For those not able to come to my LIVE classes, I've FINALLY got the online workshop that will go LIVE on Wednesday, too!  

Now...I wanted you to see what my amazing cReative Team Member, Jamie, has created w/ the Chalk aRt Insta Font! 
fun, huh? Soooo excited. 
So, as to not confuse people...the Spring Art chalkboard class will be offered w/ a Video workshop for $25. This includes 10 of  my  ALL NEW  SPRING designs in JPG format, 1 tips & tricks sheet w/ all my secrets...along w/ 4 'follow along' design elements pages that you can print out & practice along w/ me in the video.

Next, we will be offering the option to purchase a physical chalkboard kit that will include a chalkboard & all of the tools you need to join in & create your own chalkboard art.  $25 + s&h

can't sure to check your email for the  Rhonna Designs Newsletter when it goes LIVE!

The {21} Challenge....week 2!

Ok, so are you feeling it yet? This is the week that is the most difficult in The {21} Challenge.  You are on fire that first week, & by the 3rd week you can see the light at the end of the tunnel....but for some reason...week 2 is the killer. So......if you are feeling that: there's NOTHING wrong w/ you! *wink*
I you aren't....then, way to go! Soooo proud of you!
So, today focus on: "We BECOME what we want to BE by consistently BEING what we want to BECOME every day." - Richard G. Scott

This has got to be one of my FAVE uplifting and inspiring on so many levels. And, I thought it was perfect to start off week 2 of The {21} Challenge!

I've loved following your journey on Instagram & Facebook w/ the hashtag #rd21challenge Soooo fun to see! And...I know a lot of you are shy & have been emailing me, or private messaging me to keep the 'accountability' going! kudos to you!

Accountability is critical in these challenges....that's why sharing it w/ people in your life is sooo important! 

So...remember: it's NEVER too late to jump in! Just because you missed starting on the same worries! 
1. Pick your ONE habit to make or break.
2. Pick your way to document it. (hashtag #rd21challenge if you are tweeting or Instagramming)
3. Commit to it for 21 days STRAIGHT!

And....if you want to see all of the images in one on over to my Pinterest board HERE.

Monday, March 11, 2013

The {21} round!

It's that time again! I started another round of The {21} Challenge! This one is running from March 11-31! And, if you are NEW...go HERE to read up on it!  If you've joined me before...welcome back!

So, today is day one:

1. Pick ONE habit to make or break. 
It can be a physical, emotional, spiritual, mental goal...something that YOU feel you want to improve in your life. 
**For this round, I have signed up & committed to going to Lyceum training at Brick Canvas for 21 days! They have this fab $21 for 21 Days deal going on...& since Spring Break is exactly 21 days away...this is perfect! I started this morning at the 8am class & just about barfed....but, other than that *grimace* I felt great! 

2. Pick a way to document it. You can scrapbook it. art journal it. photograph it. use your phone. (which is what I'm doing) or write it down in a notebook. whatever will help to solidify this new habit. for YOU. tailor it to YOU.
**I will be doing this all on my phone w/ Rhonna Designs Instafonts & sharing them via Instagram, Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest, so be sure to follow me for daily prompts & my accountability!

3. Commit to it for 21 days straight.  This is when the success comes in. It takes 21 days or 3 weeks for your body, muscles, brain to all come together & make or break this habit.
It can be done. 
**I've done round after round & not only do I feel better about myself, gain more confidence, see the changes I want to see, but I get more creative!!!! works hand in hand with the 100 Creativity Exercises...I LOVE it!

So...who's in? If you are on twitter or Instagram, hashtag with #RD21Challenge & if you are on Facebook... come on over HERE!

....let's uplift & inspiRe each  other for the next 21 days! 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

cReativity exercises + an artsy weekend

Everyone needs a little time out for be uplifted & inspiRed. I was totally overwhelmed by the LOVE from 25 women at An Artsy Weekend! Marci Welker, of Fallow Field Farm, put on a fantastic event this past weekend! Rhonna Designs was a part of it where I started out the weekend talking about my 100 Creativity Exercises.  I loved sharing a bit of my journey as I spoke about Creativity....& I ended with this:

"I believe all creative ideas are sprinkled from heaven. And many people can catch them at the same time.... It just depends on what you do with them. If you sit on it & hoard it, not sharing it.... You're going to lose it and may get bitter when you see someone else's execution of that idea & say- "hey! that was MY idea! They stole it! "
BUT- If you run with that idea, & share that spark... Not only is your creativity growing, but you are inspiring someone else & giving THEM the ideas to run with... All of us are creatively growing. The ideas aren't ours... They come from a higher source... & when we recognize that & share it... More ideas will come. I promise!"  

Seriously...this is how I feel & too many times I've seen very talented & cReative people let their jealousy, or 'me me me' attitude destroy what they had...sad, really! But, these amazing women *got it* & I loved sharing this with them.
Then the amazing Dana Engemann taught us how to make these cute boxes to fill our 100 prompts with! Chrissy Gardner WOWed us w/ her leather stamping & Marci taught us how to create a cool book for an art journal! The darling Tonya LeMone was amazing & shared her talent of bread making & cheese w/ a delish lunch! Dana delighted w/ Fairies, I taught a few of my chalkboard tips & tricks...the whole she*bang!

I was truly uplifted & inspired this weekend from all of the amazing teachers, creations, photos, food, and just the over-all feeling of happiness & friendship! I met such amazing ladies there & came away so fired up & ready to get cReative! I am so sad I didn't get that many camera was full & I only got a few! I'm sorry I don't have any of you lovely ladies! Please send me some! *wink*
For more re-caps...check out these fab girls!

if you know of any other re-caps...send them my way!

so....are you feeling uplifted & inspired? good! now, GO- cReate!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Compendium Gratitude

I mentioned before that I'm involved in Compendium's A Thankful Life campaign! I love it. It's uplifted & inspiRed me so much...just what my mantra is with Rhonna Designs! *wink* 

THe idea is to be a part of this 'Thankful Life'....every week. But, without even's become something I'm doing Every. Day!  
It started out with my Year Of Gratitude boxed gift card set...I have been filling out the fab gratitude book that comes with it along w/ sending out Thank You cards each week. 

Not only has it lifted my spirits, but it's uplifted & inspired me on so many levels in my life. 
I LOOK for things to be thankful for. 
I make notes of what those around me have done for me in my life.
Helped me see the MANY things I am grateful for.
Share notes w/ people I haven't normally thanked...though I should! *wink*
the unexpected feeling of: " I can't just pick ONE a week!" so....I've taken this challenge to every single day.
One thing that's been SOOO fun is the cute Lunch Mail cards they have.

 I stick them in my kids' lunches, pockets, or purses so they get a little boost each day. I tell them how AWESOME I think they are & how grateful I am for them.  This has overflowed into texts, notes, emails, phone calls to people to express how grateful I am for them....
truly...a grateful heart is a happy heart.

So, anyone want to join in the campaign to write 1 million thank you notes this year? It's easy! It's just all about gratitude...& SHOWING it!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

cReative Team Tuesday --->party!

I'm feeling sooo cReative after An Artsy Weekend, that I'm just giddy to see what my cReative Team Members do with Rhonna gets my own cReativity going! Today, Rosemary shares a party invitation she created with the Party Pack

cutest, right? Her cut little twins are having a party & she'll be sharing the rest of the party as it unfolds, but for now, here's her Invitation she created with the RD Party Pack!

I guys...this kit makes things sooo easy! The kit comes with  everything you need to throw a fabulous party:
 4x6 Invitation (1 flattened JPG file & 1 layered PSD template), **this is what Rosemary used here**
‘You’re Invited’ seal (1 colored png, 1 black png & 1 layered PSD file to change text), 8x10 Mini Banner Printable (1 w/ text to spell out: Happy, Love, & Celebrate & 1 blank), 
8x10 Mini Tag Printable- perfect for cupcake toppers, gifts, tags, favors, etc.
8x10 Mini Card Printable- create gift tags, cards, banners, notes, & includes ‘lets’ celebrate’ seals.
8x10 Tag Printable- cut out & create tags or banners. So cute as treat toppers, too!
 Chevron, Sunbursts, Butterflies, Arrows & LOVE theme. Perfect for Bridal or Baby Showers, but so cute for birthday parties, too!  
LOOOOVE this so much & I'm giddy to see how Rosemary sprinkles her cReative *magic* around w/ her cReations for the party! Love how Rhonna Designs can help w/ that!  Thanks so much, Rosemary...happy birthday to your cute twins!
aaandd.... if you're feeling super cReative now...go! cReate! If might want to go read THIS! *grin*
Happy Tuesday!